Chapter 25

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"What was so important that you had to interrupt my beauty sleep?"

My brother flopped down onto the living room couch, his hair tousled from his nap. He yawned, still trying to wake up and adjust to the natural light coming in from the windows.

He wasn't high, but this was close enough. He'll be less inclined to fight with Landon if he's still exhausted.

"I need to tell you something. But first, I need you to promise me that you won't get mad."

He pushes himself up from his slouched position, more awake than he was before. "You sound like Ade," he says, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"Promise me, Hayden."

"No. I'm not promising a damn thing. So say what you need to say."

I open my mouth to confess, and at the worst time possible, my phone pings with a text message.

"Who the hell keeps texting you?" Having left my phone on the coffee table, Hayden reaches for it at the exact same time I do. Only, he's a lot faster.

He shoots to his feet after skimming over the message. "What the fuck? Why is Landon Avery texting you? And what the hell does he mean by 'did you tell him yet?' Tell me what?"

I freeze up. "Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Landon and I-"

He figures it out instantly. "You have got to be fucking kidding me." The shock. The betrayal. The hurt. All of it etches onto his face.

"Hays, listen. I was going to tell you sooner, but-"

"Where is he? Is he here?" He tosses my phone onto the couch and races up the steps. I follow him just as he bursts through my bedroom door.

Landon, who had been sitting on my bed waiting for me to tell him to come out, pops up. He catches a glimpse of the angry expression on my brother's face before he's hit square in his face.

He stumbles back, bumping into one of my plants on my windowsill. It crashes to the floor.


I rush in to grab my brother. I just barely manage to shove him back before he can land another blow to Landon's face.

I step in between them when he tries to go after him a second time. "Don't!"

My brother's eyes splice to me. "I've only ever asked one thing of you. One thing. And then you go behind my back and sleep with the enemy."

I choke back a sob. "I didn't mean for it to happen.  It just did. I-"

"You what?" He cut in, his tone harsh. "You love him?" I reply with a small nod. He scoffs, turning away from me. "This is some fucking bullshit!"

I start to chase after him, but Landon grabs my hand. When I look back at him with tear-filled eyes, he shakes his head. "Let him go. He needs time to cool off."

He pulls me into his chest just as the sound of a car speeding off fills my ears. I sob even harder knowing it's Hayden.

What have I done?


I pressed the frozen bag of peas on Landon's bruised cheek. "I'm so sorry. He saw your text before I could tell him and freaked out."

"It's okay, babe. Besides, I had it coming."

It's been an hour since Hayden left. I've tried calling him, but it keeps going straight to voice-mail. And texting him was pointless because I knew he was purposely ignoring me.

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