Chapter 27

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Harper's POV
Landon and I talked about his dad during a round of pool in his basement. It was quite obvious he didn't believe his dad was going to rehab. I mean, neither did I. The man has chosen alcohol over his family countless times.

I bent over, aiming the cue at the white ball. Eyeing the upper left pocket, I kept my hand steady and went for it. The striped orange ball shot right into its target.

It's a good thing Landon didn't mention it to his mom. Telling her without any proof that he's actually going to change his ways, this time will only cause her distress.

Landon watched me with his cue in hand. His blue eyes rolled, and his pink lips lift. He won't admit he's impressed with my pool playing skills.

He didn't think I even knew how to play, which is why he challenged me. I pretended to act aloof and even had him show me how to hold the cue. Petty, I know. But I really enjoy kicking his ass.

The striped red ball goes in next. Leaving me with the black eight ball. Landon leans his cue up against the wall behind him before rounding the table and pressing up against me as soon as I bend over.

My breath catches, and my mind turns hazy. He's intentionally trying to distract me, so I lose. My fingers start to tremble. My body and mind are at a crossroads.

"Landon, stop." My demand comes out as shaky as my hands.

His fingers burn when they grasp my hips. My shirt lifts. His hands slowly roam up under my shirt. My thighs pinch together when I feel his hardened cock against my ass. He grinds his hips a little, and my panties dampen.

"You're cheating," I breathed, my voice low.

"I can't touch you now, freckles?" Landon's teasing voice fills my ears. I don't even need to look at him to know he's got a smirk on his face. I can feel it boring into me.

"N-No," I stammer. "Not when I'm trying to win."

His hands glide back down. I think he's going to move away, but then his hand slips under my skirt. He gives my clothed sex a light tap.

I let out a moan that time, my face flushing. He leans in real close, his lips and nose brushing my neck. "You're soaked, baby. Is that for me? Hmm?"

He knows it is. I was fine a moment ago until he decided to be a cheater. My panties are moved to the side, and a finger is inserted. I nearly lose my balance.

"Landon," I scold, looking back at him.

His voice is husky and menacing. "Yes, baby?"

"I'm trying to focus."

He withdraws his finger from my pussy and sticks it in his mouth. He sucks me off and smiles, "So am I."

My face heats up even more. I avert my gaze and bring my attention back to the task at hand. Beat Landon in a game of pool.

Only, my attention is yet again cut short. My focus shifts back onto him. I didn't notice him get on his knees. But I did notice when he shoved his face in between my thighs and started to ravish my pussy.

My legs almost give out. My vision blurs, and I can hardly see the eight ball. There's no way I'm going to win with him sucking and licking at my pussy like a starved animal.

"You're not playing fair, babe."

He pauses to respond. "I'm on my knees eating your pussy. That sounds pretty damn fair to me."

He resumes his assault, and I have no choice but to take it. My grip on the cue tightens. I bite back a moan and try my hardest to concentrate.

All I have to do is get the eight ball in the middle pocket. It's a straight shot from where I stand. I pull the cue back, readying to aim and hopefully win the game.

Landon's tongue delves in between the slits before being thrusted into my sex. Just as I make my shot, an orgasm catapults through me.

The eight ball and the white ball roll into the middle pocket. I lose the game.

Surprisingly enough, I don't care. The orgasm felt way better. I set my cue down on the table. Landon rises to his feet just as I turn to face him. "You made me lose the game."

He takes my hands and throws them around his neck. I'm lifted up onto the pool table. "Yet, you still won," he replies, kissing my cheek.

My legs fastened around him, my wedged sandals digging into his back. "I don't feel like a winner."

His blue eyes crackle with electricity. "I just made you come, and you don't feel like a winner?" He sounds offended. And a little hurt.

"Hmm," I tease, pretending like I didn't almost lose my vision from coming so hard. "Naah."

His jaw ticks. "Looks like I'll just have to fuck some sense into you."

"Looks like it."

I hear my boyfriend's zipper. And then he enters me. Hard. The pool table creaks.

He fucks a mixture of a grunt and moan out of me. His gruff grunts blend in with mine. We're staring so deeply into each other's eyes. There's nothing but love in them. But the way he's fucking me, you would think we still hated each other.

He feels so good, I can't stop smiling. Landon loves it. "Look at that cute little smile. You love how I feel inside you, don't you, baby?"

"I do. I really do."

His lips drag over my jaw and up to my ear. He nibbles at it. And the sting of his teeth on my ear somehow turns me on more. I rock into him.

He moves away from my ear. A whimper floats into my ear like a beautiful musical note. "Shit. You're going to make me come." His voice cracked when he said it, and I explode.

He falls still, coming seconds after I did. We hold on to each other as if the other would crumble if we didn't.

Landon lifts his head after a moment, and I lean in to kiss his birthmark. "Feel like a winner now?" He questions.

"With you? Always." He moves me off the table, and I tug my skirt down. "Round two?" I offer.

His head tilts to the right. "Of pool or sex?"

I give him a half smile and reply, "Both."

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