Chapter 1

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Walking around campus is fucking torture.

The way people stop and ask to take a photo with me just so they can say across all their social media that they met someone 'famous'.

I wish I could just die instead. Because some of these people look at me, not a lot but a few, like I hung the whole world for them.

Like I'm a role model to them.

I shouldn't be anything to anyone.

When I stand there, people wrapping their arms around me, I want to leave. Find somewhere else to be. I can't stand them touching me when I don't want it. When my body doesn't agree with it.

It's been like this for the last two months since I've moved to Vancouver.

But it's better than being in Ontario.

Walking up to the apartment I share with Kyla, the long days are feeling heavier and heavier by the second. To my surprise, when I turn the corner to our apartment, Seth, a childhood friend Kyla and I've known since grade 2 is there waiting at our door.

"Hey, Al. Just picking up Ky to go to Ricky's. Wanna come?"

They know I loved doing this stuff. Going out, drinking and partying. I used to enjoy it. Now every time I think of leaving the apartment, it feels like the monster finally came out of the closet to grab me back again.

But they would start to worry about me if I didn't go. And I don't need them looking over their shoulder at me all day.

"Sure. I'm ready to go."

I'm wearing the most baggy jeans I could find, with a long sleeve shirt with an even bigger t-shirt over it. And no makeup.

That's been my rule for the past few months. It makes me look needy, like I asked for it.

My hair was chopped to my shoulders a few days later after it happened.

Quickly throwing my laptop bag inside, I run into my room to grab pepper spray and clip it onto the waistband of my jeans.

Kyla comes out looking like an absolute goddess wearing a black dress that hugs every curve of her perfectly, hair raining down her back in thick curls.

I step aside so Kyla can strut her way towards the door, and I can't help but feel a pang in my chest as I watch her be so confident in her skin and embrace it.

"You look so amazing Kyla." I tell her.

Kyla blushes and smiles so warmly at me that I miss that feeling on my own lips.

A true, genuine, smile.

Making sure everything's off, I lock the front door and start dragging Kyla down the hall and to the stairs so I don't have to watch her and Seth get into it as he practically drools over my shoe. They've done it before and I will not put my eyes through that again.

No amount of cation tape would be enough for that scene.


Seth parks down the street from the bar, which won't work in his favour when he has to drag a brutally honest drunk Kyla back.

He'll probably cry when she reveals his actual dick size.

I know for a fact it's not 9 inches, as he claims it to be, because Kyla would not be walking right now.

She would be bedridden for the rest of her life.

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