Chapter 4

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Saturdays are the only days of the week that everyone has off.

Including Noah.

I still can't fucking believe I let him into my room. Sit on my bed.

I'll have to bleach my bedding now.

And he had the audacity to actually looked concerned as he ran his eyes over the scars that littered my knee.

I might need to add some more locks on the door.

Some laser beams as well.


As I stumble through the door with coffee the next morning, everyone looks... happy.

Except for Noah, who is sitting on the couch staring at Kyla and Seth as if they're happiness hurts him.

Pains him.

Poor man baby.


Seth is there in a heartbeat, plopping a kiss on my cheek before grabbing his expresso and going right back to Kyla's side.

"Can I tell her?"

"I thought you said I could tell her."

"Not only did you loose your ability to walk last night but you also must have gone deaf."

"Seth! You can't say that outload. I thought-"

The two stop whisper shouting when I clear my throat and raise a brow, reminding them that the whole apartment building is listening on to whatever that was.

"Fine. You can tell her." Seth playfully sighs, a smirk forming on his lips.

"We've been dating for about a month and a half now."

The room is silent.

I blink, waiting.

"What do you guys need to tell me?"

Kyla gapes at me, and to my surprise, Noah snorts, reminding us of his presence.

A sudden thought enters my head, and I want to gag.

"If I've been sharing my room with Kyla, and you two-" I point at Noah and Seth "- in the other, where the hell have you guys been..."

I trail off, making a gesture with my hands as Kyla starts to turn bright red and Seth snorts.

Noah comes to grab his coffee, leaning against the counter behind me where I am seated.

I swallow.

"Well-uh- we've been, ah-" Kyla stumbles over her words, looking at the floor.

"On Kyla's bed and the counter." Seth tells us, grinning from ear to ear, as if it's obvious.

Noah and I both jerk our arms away from the counter where we were leaning on it.

"The same bed you said I could take last night instead of the air mattress?" Noah asks, his voice quiet.

"We flipped the mattress." Seth shrugs.

Instead of flipping off at Seth like I would have, Noah laughs.


Full on, belly laughs.

And it's an amazing song.

I want to here it all day.

I flinch at the sudden thought.

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