Chapter 31

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Allie's soft snores fill our room, where she's tightly curled up into a little ball against my chest.

She got back from Belgium just a few hours ago, bringing back a total of six medals.

She earned a medal for each event and all round, along with the team medal.

I glance over to them on my bedside table where she had laid them while she was unpacking, the photo from our first date sitting right behind them.

Arrested Development is playing on my laptop at the foot of the bed but all I can focus on is this damn girl in my arms.

Her lips are parted slightly, heavy bags sit under her eyes, one of the first things I noticed when I picked her up from the airport.

Her warm breathe tickles my neck, my arm supporting her back with her knees tucked into her chest.

Picking up my phone when I realize someone texted, I glance at the group chat but halt when I see a text from coach asking to meet me before the game in his office.

Ah shit. I should probably start planning retirement.

Allie twitches in my arms, a small whimper escaping her. I lean down to kiss her forehead and she immediately leans into my touch, a small smile grazing her sleepy lips before leaning more into me.

"Mmm, Noah?"


"I have massage tomorrow but I'll be at your game. I promise."

Hearing her say that warms my heart.

"Okay. Don't rush."

"Do you want some tea? I was gonna try some sleep tea."

"Let me go make it. You just spent the day on the plane."

She huffs but cuddles back under the comforter.

"I hate you." She murmurs.

"Love you too."


Today after class, I rush home to make another sign to bring to Noah's game before heading to my massage session.

By the time I get to the stadium, it's packed and crowded as kids run around the concession with their parents chasing behind them.

When I get to my seat, which is about six rows from the ice, the guys are just wrapping up warmup.

Seth, Noah, and Rhys, a first year like us who I met a few weeks back, are whipping their heads back and forth, seemingly mapping out the ice.

Kyla was supposed to be here tonight, but opted to help a friend of ours who manages our favourite café.

About almost two hours in, Noah has scored two goals and assisted Seth once, which will look great for recruiters.

The crowd goes absolutely wild, beer and popcorn acting like confetti as everyone jumps to their feet to celebrate. I brush a piece of popcorn out of my hair before locking eyes with Noah, who has a cold look on his face before it softens when I wave and smile at him.

When his coach calls him off the ice, I quickly jog up the steps, turning back to look at the ice when I hear many groans of disappointments before running right into someone.

"Sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." I apologize sheepishly, glancing up to be met by a familiar face.

A very familiar face.

My entire mouth dries out and my hands start to twitch, as my eyes widen.

A pit of absolute dread consumes my stomach as I try to move, try to blink, or scream but nothing comes out.

Just like last time.

He blinks, clearly not remembering before a sly smile comes upon his face.

That's when I bolt.

When that same emotion passes through his face. That same need passes through his eyes.

And it absolutely terrifies me.

Running up the stairs, I can't breathe.

Can't breathe. Can't breathe.

A sob catches in my throat, a few tears slip down my face.

It's a home game. I could try to run to the locker room.

So that's what I do. Navigating my way through  the familiar stadium, I fly down the stairs, sprint through twisty halls and turns, hoping someone from the team will be in there.

Please, please, please.

Usually there is someone standing outside the door during games but not one person is in sight when I swing open the door.

I pass Noah's locker when I search the room, the urge to throw up growing even more when I realize no one's in here, which makes sense since they all should be out on the ice.

I tremble on the bench, curling up tightly.

He's here. He can't be here. Did he know I would be here-

My thoughts are interrupted when a tight hand wraps around my throat, snapping my eyes up towards him.

I claw, I punch, I fight.

But that doesn't matter.

As much as I kick and scream, which isn't very loud when he smacks a hand over my mouth, no one will come.

No one will hear me.

I don't want to break again. I can't. I love Noah too much to break him as well.

He healed me. I hope he knows how much I appreciate him.

"Did you think you could run? Not fast enough, though." His chuckle vibrates my ear, his large body trapping me to the wall as his fingers dig into my thighs.

"Please no." My voice snaps when I speak, my body getting tired from kicking and slapping.

He ignores me when he ducks his head, his fingers finding the waistband of my jeans before slipping into me.

Crying out, I push against his chest but he continues to pump in and out.

I don't give up, I fight against him as much as I can but he's almost as tall and built as Noah is.

Will Noah hate me after this? Will he think I'm making it up? Will he still love me after this?

God I hope so.

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