Chapter 24

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"The teams going to meet us there."

"All of them? They're all coming?"

"Hell yeah." Noah flashes me a smile before returning his gaze back to the road as we fight traffic on the way to Shaw's.

When we enter Shaw's, there's a round of hollers from Noah's team, some even coming up to make conversation with me.

"Leave her alone." Noah grumbles, his hand tightening on my waist.

"We just wanted to meet the girl who made grumpy pants over there all sunshine and rainbows."

A tall red head snorts, his hair looking like fire.

"You have very nice hair." I comment.

His eyes widen with the compliment, a blush almost as colourful as his hair spreading on his neck.

"Thank-thank you. I don't think anyones ever told me that."

He slaps a hand on Noah's back, leaning in close to say something in his ear before taking his seat by the stage.

"What was all of that about?"

Noah shrugs, walking behind me as we make our way through the loud crowd that surrounds the bar.

"The team makes fun of his hair all the time. The dude deserves a break."

We take our seats by Seth and Kyla, who both look flushed from the drinks in their hands.

"Allie! I cannot wait to hear you sing!" Kyla exclaims, leaning into Seth to swipe some nuts that are on the table.

Noah stands to greet some of his teammates but he never stops rubbing my hand as he chats with them for about 15 minutes before Shaw himself steps onto the stage.

"Okay, okay. Shut up. Y'all bitched to me so much that I brought her back to sing for us tonight. Welcome, Allie."

The team hollers so loud I'm scared I won't be able to hear anymore.

Shaw hands me a list of requested songs, and luckily, I know each of them pretty well.

I start by singing 'Fantasy' by Mariah Carey, earning many whistles and claps.

I sing over a dozen songs in the first hour, many people who were simply walking by the bar entering through the door and taking empty seats, swaying along to the music.

I'm happy!

My body sways as well, a giggly smile on my face as I meet Noah's heated gaze, the first of what I hope is many lopsided grins spread on his face.

I break the chorus when I laugh at the sight of Seth trying to dance, Kyla joining in not long after.

I smile and laugh, even hop up and down as I sing, and soon enough, the bar is closing for the night.

There's a chorus of boos that go around making me giggle.

I find Noah saying goodbye to some of his friends before I wrap my arms around his waist from behind, my head resting on his back.

His body tenses, his hands removing my arms from him.

"I have a girlfriend-"

He cuts himself off when he realizes it was just me, his face softening.

"I love it when you call me that. Your girlfriend."

He respond by hugging me, his arms wrapped around my upper back, his voice muffled in my hair.

"You're so short I didn't even see you."

Cue my gasp.

"That's your girlfriend your talking about."

He snorts.

"Your mine, that's for sure."

Seth and Kyla beat us home, Kyla in the kitchen making a snack and Seth on the phone.

I sit beside him on the couch, Noah walking down the hall to change into his pjs.

"We can move back into our apartment. The damage is repaired."

Seth tells all of us once we're all gathered around the TV, Modern Family blaring from the speakers.

I stiffen just the slightest at the news, not wanting them to move back.

It's become more of a home since they've been here, the pile of sports bag by the door and our movie nights making it feel that way.

Seth doesn't sound that happy himself, a rare frown formed on his face.

"I think I want to find a place closer to here."

Noah finally says, looking towards me.

Seth nods. "We could always see if any of the apartments in this building are looking for renters."

"Why don't you guys stay here?" I blurt, explaining more when I get three sets of eyes looking my way.

"It would be cheaper for all of us and I know it's small, but we've been making it work for the past four months."

"Yes! Both of you, stay. Then it would really be like Friends." Kyla begs.

Seth glances towards Noah. "I mean, all of our stuff is already here. It would be such a pain to move it out again."

Seth's tone is playful, Kyla clapping as she knows that she's convinced him to stay.

"Noah? Will you stay? Because if not I can help you look-"

"I'm staying. If not, who would keep the nightmares away?"

A smile slips past my lips as he gathers me in his lap.

"Awww! Aren't they so cute Seth?" Kyla gushes.

"So cute." Seth grumbles, a disgustful look on his face that has us all laughing.


It's the last fifteen minutes of our home game against PEI, Allie just on the other side of the glass wearing sweatpants and a school hoodie, holding sign that has my name written with glitter glue on it.

Kyla sits next to her, two hot dogs in her lap as she tries to convince Allie to eat one.

Allie shakes her head, turning back to look at the rink as I skate past her.

Scoring a goal in the last two minutes, the crowd erupts into cheers but the only thing I care about is the girl engulfed in her hoodie sitting so close to me I could reach for her if it wasn't for the plexiglass.

She gives me two thumbs up, her nose red from the cold.

And after we celebrate the win on the ice, I move towards the changing room when I hear a gunshot coming from the crowd.

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