Chapter 32

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Allie left her seat about fifteen minutes ago and hasn't come back.

I trust her but it's not like her to be gone for this long.

I should be focusing on the game, dammit, but something is wrong.

I know something is wrong.

So I skate up to coach, who is in a good mood since we're in the lead and say,

"Coach, I'm not feeling so good. Can I take five?"

Not in my three years of playing hockey with him have I ever been sick. Have ever been late so when he must hear the way my face is riddled with emotion, he narrows his eyes but nods.

"Three minutes. I have some baby Advil in my office if you need it."

He tells me, snorting like he thinks he's so funny.

When I race to the locker room to grab my phone, a gut wrenching sound vibrates off the walls, the feeling in my stomach completely sinking.

My heart beats in my ears as I make the last turn, stopping in my tracks even though I try to move.

Allie, my Allie, is being held against the locker room wall by the fucking throat, with a hand down the front of the sweatpants she's wearing.

She's kicking and clawing, clearly not giving up even when she meets my gaze, the relief that floods her features when she meets my eyes enough to get me moving again.

The fucker has the audacity to look over his shoulder and smirk at me, his other hand hand slipping under her shirt.

And I fucking demolish him.

I wrench him from Allie, who crumples to the floor with a chocked sob, throwing him against the lockers, before taking all the built up rage I have over this dude out.

There's pain in my hands as I punch the living shit out of him, him being just a bloody corpse under me.

That's all he is.

He won't get to be anyone. He won't get to hurt Allie anymore, won't even get to think about her.

He'll be a bag of bones six feet under when I'm done.

I don't know how long I continue, and I don't care either, but a wheezing sound behind me has me whipping around to Allie. Allie, who sits with her back against the wall, her hands grabbing at her chest.

"Hey, baby. What can I do?"

She crawls into my arms quickly, wrapping her arms around my neck tightly, tears flooding down my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Noah." She murmurs, trying to bury herself into the crook of my neck even more.

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because this shouldn't happen twice! And you don't deserve this-"

"You don't deserve this." I argue back.

"It hurts. Everything fucking hurts." She sobs.

"Then let me take some of the pain. All of it, even."

I'm still in all my gear when I call 911, and I'm still holding Allie when the team starts filing in after the game.

"Noah! You better have a good explanation-"

Coach cuts himself off when he notices the rag doll in the corner, who unfortunately is still breathing last time I checked and at that point, police start filing in, dragging him out.

"Everyone out! You have a lot of explaining to do boy."

Two officers come over asking for statements, Coach standing behind them with his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes narrowed on me.

"She was raped. Again. She ran down here hoping someone would be in here but no one was. That's when I noticed she was missing from here seat and I went looking for her. And, well..."

I trail off, gesturing to where he was lying just moments ago.

"You said 'again'. Has this happened before?" The shorter officer asks.

I swallow, clenching my fists before speaking again.

"It has. With the same man. About a year ago."

"Was it reported? This all could have been avoided-"

My head snaps up to where the tall officer lazily stands, glancing around like I'm making a big deal.

"She tried to, but you guys failed her. You failed to help her when she tried to get the help you all claim to so willingly give."

I snap at him, Coach standing behind him with actual tears in his eyes, which is understandable since he has daughters himself.

"Noah, file a report and then go. I'll deal with the police."

Coach pats my back, nodding his head towards Allie, her eyes are closed as she trembles in my arms.

"Thank you. I'll find a way to repay you Coach."

"You can repay me by being the best captain this team has seen."

I give him the best smile I can considering how frustrated I am but I lead Allie and I out the doors where we are fucking ambushed by flashing lights and the shutters of cameras, people screaming to try and ask questions over all the commotion.


"Yeah, baby?"

"I love you."

"I love you too, Allie."

This girl.

They follow us all the way to my truck, but I've had enough as Allie yelps when someone tries to touch her shoulders.

"Back the fuck off!"

They all blink at me like I've grown three heads but they back up enough I can help Allie into the truck.

"Let's go home, yeah?"

I get a sleepy nod in response.

When we get back to the apartment, Seth and Kyla are both pacing with worried looks cemented into their faces.

"Oh my god. Are you okay?"

Kyla rushes over to Allie, who freezes from the unexpected hug.

"Kyla, maybe just give her some space."

She nods at my words, but takes Allies hand into hers.

Seth racessaunters over, his eyes glued to Kyla and Allie.

"Did you file a report?"


"I would have come over to you guys back in the locker room, but Coach had everyone leave."

"I get it."

"And congrats on being made captain."

He punches my shoulder lightly, a shit eating grin spreading on his face.

Allie whips her head up sharply as she turns towards us, her eyes wide as she speaks.

"You were made captain?"

I nod. "Today before the game."

"Noah- that's. Wow. You're incredible."

I ignore the blush on the tips of my ears as Allie kisses me happily, Kyla and Seth snickering behind us.

"Ignore them. They just don't like seeing their parents kiss."

Allie mumbles against my lips with sass, causing me to pull her closer with a chuckle.

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