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loïse madden

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I'm still resting on Sebastian's body when I wake up. The cold immediately rushes itself onto my bare limbs when I climb off him to see how late it is. I roll the comforter around my upper body to protect it from the chilly temperature that's hanging in Seb's dorm, while my leg is still draped over his lower belly.

It's 5 in the morning. I sigh happily, as I realize there's still at least 4 more hours for me to sleep. Sebastian has hockey practice at 1, so I'm supposed to get out by then. I'm thinking of asking June to spend the day with me, since we both agreed that we should totally go shopping together sometime after the boys' practice.

I'm already looking for her number in my contact list, when the realisation of it being only 5 in the morning hits me. I place my phone back on the nightstand and readjust myself on the bed, so that I'm laying beside Sebastian, his warm stomach against my cold back.

I hear him grunt and shift beside me. His large hand travels across the lines of my panties and higher up, towards my bare belly. He turns onto his side, pressed against me, while his arm holds me firmly to him. Luckily, he doesn't actually wake up. Because that would only make me way too excited and I'd try to convince him to start our day already at just 5 am.

He's not really a morning person. More like a night-partying one.

Me? I'm the complete opposite. I rise and shine from 7 'till 11.

Or maybe until, like, 2. But 11 sounds way funnier because it rhymes with 7.


From 3 to 5 pm, all I want to do is nothing. Literally, nothing. I get super lazy and sloppy and I just want to lay in bed. After 5, I start getting hungry, so I basically eat everything that gets into view until 7.

The moment where most people have dinner. Of course, by then I'm way too stuffed with snacks to already eat, so I wait another hour, until 8 and then I make myself some easy food.

From 8 to 11, I watch Grey's Anatomy or read. And then I go to sleep, so that's pretty much my "lazy day" scheme.

Why am I even saying this?

I turn around, not being very comfortable in this sleeping position, and lay my head down on Sebastian's chest, who is now currently feeling my butt up.

It kinda turns me on, not gonna lie.

What am I saying?!

It must be the sleep drug I always suffer from, the first 10 minutes when I'm awake.

Not an actual drug of course, I would never do that. Or maybe I would?

Of course not, I'm too chicken for that.

I let out a fulfilled sigh when Sebastian starts giving me back rubs, unconciously. I love back rubs.

Soon, I feel myself falling into some kind of different world too, where everything feels lighter and I can just... dream.

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"Wake up, loser", I hear suddenly. I squint my eyes and stretch my body, trying to get rid of the sleepiness that's still hidden in all my limbs and muscles. Probably my limbs, because I don't really have any muscles.

Sebastian, on the other hand, has a whole lot of them. He's showing them off once again, hovering over me. His biceps are flexing when he rests on them and I allow my finger to trace the veins in his forearms.

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