Chapter seven - Hope that made you feel better.

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Unintelligible angry beeping.

"I must have misheard!"

"Oh yes, you heard me right! And all this snow chaos was terrible for business! On top of that, snow is the Snow Hotel's business and Gale is responsible for the cleaning service."

Louder, energetic beeping.

"Are you serious now?! Is it our fault that the dark brawlers attacked us?!"

"Snow clearing is beyond the authority of your employees. You can't just duck the prices of snow removal."

Even louder beeping.

"WHAT?! I'll tell you something now, cash register! Firstly, Gummybear Nita and Buzette didn't shovel away the snow, they just dug a tunnel to get us out of the candy shop and secondly, you have no right to interfere in the affairs of my Cockaigne!

After this announcement there was silence for a few seconds.

"As the owner of the Star Park gift shop, I have every right to complain. Plus, you distract my employees from their jobs, and no one buys sweets from Mr. P or me anymore, which is bad for business too, and..."


Mandy had banged her fist on the table.

"Candy Land is mine, I own it and I decide about it!"


"And it's NOT my problem if customers prefer to shop with me over you!"

"Mandy, let it go."

Extremely loud and spiteful beeping.

"And you, stupid bird shut up, or I..."

"MANDY!" Chester called out loud enough for Mandy to hear for the first time since the discussion with the Star Park shopkeepers had started.

He was sitting in a chair at a large round table next to her. To their right sat Griff with Edgar and to their left sat the rampaging Mr. P with Lou and Gale. Gale hadn't said a word yet, but now he stood up and cleared his throat.

"Hmhm, I think it makes sense for us to break off this conversation here and leave things like they are for the time being."


"Thanks Gale, very good idea!" Chester said quickly and pulled Mandy out of the room.


"Excuse her, we're leaving!" Hastily Chester pushed Mandy out the door and through the hallways and only let her go when they had left the Star Park administration building and stood outside the side entrance.

Angry, Mandy scolded the behaviour of the other shopkeepers.


"Wow, wow, Mandy, calm down!" Chester tried to calm her down.

Somehow, he had already expected what was to come. Nevertheless, he could dodge the gigantic stream of sugar that Mandy fired at him. He was hit, thrown against the nearest wall, and stuck to it.

"Ouch. Hope that made you feel better.," he murmured. It wasn't the first time Mandy had taped him somewhere.

She took a few deep breaths in and out before she went to Chester and grabbed his hands.

"I hate works council meetings!" she groaned as she tugged hard to free him from the wall, but she couldn't. She braced her feet against the wall and tugged harder until the prank master broke away from the wall. It happened so quickly and suddenly that Chester fell forward, knocking Mandy over in the process. The two tumbled once until Chester finally found his back to the ground with Mandy on top of him.

Both of their faces blushed, but before anyone could say or do anything, Pam's voice came through the loudspeakers placed around the area.

"Listen up, all brawlers! We need as many as possible in the robot factory right now! We found the bug that caused the robots to attack different locations over the past few weeks. 8-bit can reprogram the bug, but meanwhile he can't defend himself and we're being attacked from all sides right now!!! Please come as soon as possible! We need brawlers that fight robots and brawlers that collect coins on the terrain, because without them 8-bit won't work!"

"Wow! Big reveal!" commented Chester.

"That's exactly what I need now!" Mandy shouted, straightened up and stormed towards the robot factory. She carefully looked at her reflection in her sceptre.

Heck, she was still red.

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