Chapter twenty-one - Stop the hate!

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"THANK YOU! THIS IS SO COOL! I can't believe this is really happening! And thanks again for climbing into these tunnels and helping Edgar. I still can't believe it! You risked your life to save me! Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!"

"You're very welcome, anytime again. And have a sweet day.", the CEO of Candy-Land smiled and waved goodbye to Colette when she left the store arm in arm with Edgar.

It had been almost a week since the battle in the mine tunnels. Byron had successfully transformed Colette back and now she was doing well enough to go back to work in the gift shop. But before her shift began, she really wanted to thank the Candy Land Brawlers and apologize for her stalking them as Trixie-Colette, including the photos she took and uploaded in transformed form without permission.

As soon as she and Edgar were gone, Mandy lowered her hand, and her face took on its normal grumpy expression again.

"Like a kid in a candy store."

"It fits! After all, we are a candy store."

Mandy spun around and pointed her wand at Chester, who had crept up quietly.

"Do you always have to sneak up like this?!"

"Wow, Mandy, stop the hate! I just came to say that we need new ingredients for the healing candies, the fizzy bombs, and the rainbow lollipops. We should go this afternoon to restock."

"Is that really necessary again?" Mandy frowned. It didn't seem that long since the supplies had last been replenished.

"Yes, it is! Unless, of course, you want me to do it alone, then..."

"No! Never! Under no circumstances!" Mandy knew perfectly well that Chester would happily take the opportunity to smuggle bitter bonbons into the assortment, switch sugar for salt, prepare exploding candies... Oh no! She certainly wouldn't make it that easy for him and his annoying pranks!

"We'll leave as soon as Buzette comes to the afternoon shift. While Nita is a great help, she's still a kid and I certainly won't leave her alone in the store. Even with her giant gummy bear Bruce helping her."

"Great!" Chester exclaimed. "I'll go and get my motorbike."

"You only go, if I allow you!" Mandy snapped at him. "And I'm saying you're not going anywhere until all the shelves are stocked. Just because the warehouse is almost empty doesn't mean that we can suddenly neglect our work!"

Chester sighed, but he knew from experience that contradicting Mandy was unwise.

"As you say, boss."

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