Chapter twelve - Ugh, melting!

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Again and again, it seemed to Chester like someone, or something was following them, for their footsteps echoed off the crumbling walls of the tunnels, creating eerie noises. Mandy's hand trembled in his and he held it tighter. He ran his thumb over her skin soothingly. She was cold again, like that night in the candy shop.

After a while, something suddenly stood on the rails. At first it looked like a small robot, then a boulder, but when they got close enough, they realized it was a forgotten, dusty mine-waggon. It looked old, but still functional. While Chester hesitantly shook the car, Mandy kicked it once and with a loud squeak the vehicle broke free from its petrification, rolled forward a few inches and the inconspicuous lamp on its front began to shine brightly.

In the almost daylight light, Chester could see the cracks in the walls and tunnel ceiling even more clearly. He was amazed that the tunnel hadn't collapsed in all these years. However, that didn't bother him as much now as Mandy's frighteningly pale face, which he was only now able to really see.

Also, back in the dark her trembling had worried him, but that wasn't nearly as bad as seeing her now in the glaring bright light. Pale and expressionless.

He had let go of her hand earlier to explore the mine-waggon, but now he held it tightly in his again. He took a step towards her, leaned down and kissed her gently on the cheek.

Instantly her cheeks blushed, and Chester had to smile. He didn't care that she was now probably pretty mad at him. That ruddy complexion suited her way better than the expressionless paleness, and it calmed him down not to have to look at her being like that anymore.

"Ladys First!" he sang, helping her into the car before giving it a hard shove and jumping in as well. The mining cart gained speed, accelerating as it continued to roll through the depths of the still unstable-looking tunnels.


Finally, it was reasonably light again, and yet Mandy was glad not to be standing in front of the lamp in its light, but to be sitting behind it in the rickety car. When Chester had kissed her, she had even forgotten her fear for two seconds and by now her face must have been the colour of a tomato, as hot as it was.

Ugh, melting! she thought. Why did Chester of all people always have to abash her like that?!

She hated him, she had always hated him.

There was no person in the whole world who was as annoying as he was.

And yet she leaned her head against his shoulder and returned his handshake. If she focused hard enough on him, she might be able to hide the fact that they were speeding through dark, unstable-looking tunnels, unaware of what the darkness might be hiding.

How she hated the dark!

Chester now held her hand with his other hand to wrap his now free arm around her. She allowed it and snuggled closer to him. He was warm and smelled of something familiar, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

Yes, she hated him more than anyone else. Yes, he drove her insane with his pranks. Yes, he was a fucking idiot!

But he was her fucking idiot.

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