Extrachapter Two

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"Oh, hey my dear!"

"We are so happy to see you after all this time! Say, do you still like to bath in – "


It was always the same with her parents. Sure, Mandy loved them more than any candy in the hole world, but they could be so embarrassing. Especially today, when she wasn't meeting them alone in their favourite restaurant at the Snowtel, but with Chester.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Sugar."

"Ugh. Mum, Dad, you remember Chester?"

Immediately both of her parent's eyes began to sparkle.

"Of course, my dear. We do remember this wonderful little gentleman, you always used to play with."

"Oh yes! I always had to laugh when you slammed him into the ground because you had a huge crush on him a couldn't handle it otherwise."


"Oh, really", Chester asked with a mischievous grin while Mandy hid her face in embarrassment. How should she ever survive this dinner?

"Anyway, what would you like to order?", her dad gladly changed the topic. "The menu is wonderful – and the desserts..."

"Honey are you still so much into apple pie?", her mother asked by the mentioning of desserts.

"Oh! I remember the night before her 5th birthday when – "

"STOP! We don't need to talk about this again!", Mandy shouted when Chester asked at the same time "Oh, what happened???"

Jep, Mandy would definitely not survive this dinner.

"She sleepwalked right into her own birthday pie!", her mother squeezed before Mandy could stop her.


OK, either her, or her parents would not survive this.

Mandy was about to explode, when she felt a hand on her Arm, its soft fingers gently stroking over her chin.

"Sch Sourdrop, it's ok. I also think it's kind of cute. Besides, remember, when I accidentally pranked myself?"

Yeah, that was fun, seeing the prank master hanging from the ceiling caught in his own net, at the try to imprison Cupcake Darryl. She relaxed again and was about to take Chester's hand when her parents gasped at the same time.

"Sourdrop?!", they both questioned at the same time.

"Are –"

"You –"

"The reason I brought Chester with me today is that I can introduce him to you as my boyfriend." Mandy quickly explained.

For two seconds there was total silence. Both of her parents shocked. Than their faces began to shine, their eyes glittering again.

"Oh that's fantastic, my dear!", her mother cried.

"Tell us everything, honey!", her dad demanded.

"When will you get married?"

"How many kids are planned?"

"Oh my god, it's like a dream comes true!"

"Have you slept already?"


Other visitors of the Snowbell's restaurant turned their heads in astonishment, when the CEO of Candyland bumped her fists against the table, louder as she had mend.

"Chester. Bathroom. Now.", she said weekly, quickly getting up and hurrying away.

"Alright sweetheart.", the prank master replied following her, while Mr. and Mrs. Sugar's faces were beaming even more.

"They are going together in the bathroom!", they whispered to each other in excitement.

"But in which one?"


"And we haven't even ordered yet!", Mandy groaned as soon as they were out of sight and earshot. "Why do they always have to be so awkward?!"

"Relax Sourdrop, I'll start an entertaining conversation so they won't be able to come up with anything that embarrass you."

"Not a word about the night in the snowed in candyshop!"

"I'll come up with al little less entertaining but still gripping story. How about our fight in the underground?"

"Good, I guess that will do."

Chester smiled and rolled his eyes when they made their way back to the restaurant.

"You'll never thank me, not even now that you're my girlfriend, will you?"

"Never!" Mandy affirmed with an evil grin, before giving her boyfriend a short kiss on the lips.

Only a few tables separated them from Mandy's parents.

"Ready?", Chester asked, taking her hand.

"If it's you.", she answered, linking her fingers with his.

"OK, then let's go!"


Thank you once again for all the Votes and comments, it's so amazing.

I'm thinking about kreating a seperate book for all the little stories, which haven't fit in the main plot of my books anymore before they are lost on my computer forever...

Holy Titan, the sequel of PKU, an unfinished story called Doragon, my ideas for My Angel and now I've found all this little extra stories again!!! I could writte for hous and hours and hours and hours.... but then again: there's also a thing called school...

Well, I'll figure that out later.

Stay legendary


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