Chapter eighteen - Sugary sweet and hard to beat!

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Trixie knew that Edgar's punches couldn't do anything against her as long as she stayed out of his reach. And with so many falling rocks, it was impossible for him to use his super. Screaming, she threw one of the rocks right at him. The projectile would definitely have knocked Edgar unconscious if a huge lava jet had not shattered it in the air at the last moment!

The magma boiled, suddenly filling the entire canyon, even splashing over the rim, and out of it emerged a figure in an emerald-studded black dress. It became glaringly bright until every last corner was illuminated, and the darkness was banished once and for all. Magma Mandy had appeared!

For the first time since they had known each other, Chester's words were caught in his throat. Tears ran down his cheeks. Yet he didn't have much time to be happy that his sweetheart was alive because Trixie didn't give the three of them a break. Edgar kept trying to get close enough to the beast but couldn't.

"Come on, wear your new terrible skin!" Mandy urged her hated friend.

"Hey, that should be a surprise! How do you know I've got it with me?" the prankster complained as they dodged more attacks.

"I saw how you wrapped it up. Be happy, otherwise I wouldn't have even thought of taking mine with me!"

"Yep, you're right!" Chester agreed and pulled out his skin. In a matter of seconds, he transformed into the creepy Dark-Chester.


"If it is you!"

"OK then go!"

Just like the robot attack on Metropolis, Dark-Chester threw Magma-Mandy up in the air and slipped under the flying Trixie-Colette. While he threw his projectiles from below, Mandy fired her jets of lava down on her from above.

"Sweet and sour, taste my power!"

"Synergy is the key to victory. I've heard that somewhere."

The cross attack weakened Colette quite a bit, as hoped, but she still had enough strength to stay in the air.

After Dark-Chester caught her after the attack, Magma-Mandy pointed her staff vigorously at the ground.

"Be ready Edgar!"

With full force, she pushed a slab out of the unstable rock that carried the short-range brawler to Trixie. At the same time, Chester sprayed a cone of Salty Samaki Powder, his third Super, to add extra damage and keep her from dodging at the last second. When Edgar got close enough, he jumped off the slab and yanked the winged devil to the ground.

Suddenly everything was quiet. Not a sound could be heard. Neither the bubbling of the lava nor the crumbling of the walls. Trixie-Colette lay tired and weak, with her eyes closed under Edgar and for a brief moment it seemed as if she had been defeated.

Then it happened.

The she-devil's eyes widened, she smiled bloodthirsty and rammed her tail through Edgar's stomach. Mandy and Chester heard him scream and saw the bloddy tail sticking out of his back, then Edgar's head tipped forward and he spat out blood.

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