2// Together

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The glistening lights on the enchanting chandeliers of the wedding hall glistened as the small quartet of classical musicians played beautiful pieces to soothe the mood of the hall. The guests were all starting to settle in their seats as soon as they noticed Chairman Gu and Sangsik entering together. 

It was basically an indication that the wedding was about to start soon and because Sarang's parents were no longer here to see her enter the next chapter of her life. She had decided to make the occasion a bit more special and intimate by asking 2 of her greatest friends slash sisters, Pyeonghwa and Daeul to sit together with her beloved grandmother. 

But if we were to point out the happiest person among the guests, it would none other be JiHu, Won's nephew. He was perhaps the most ecstatic and happiest person ever when he first heard from his grandfather that Sarang was to join their family and that it would now make her his one and only aunt. 

Back to the current scene, Sangsik smiles and gently speaks with the microphone, adding a final reminder to signal the guests to settle and take their seats

'The wedding is to start in 5 minutes.... may I ask all the guest to settle down and if you could please turn your phones into silent mode as to not disrupt our dear bride and groom's special occasion.' 

Outside the wedding hall, the groom silently fumbles with his watch as he silently thought about what was going to happen in a few minutes. It was definitely the happiest moment of Won's life, he was finally here... a few minutes--- maybe even a few seconds away from marrying the love of his life. 

It made him thought about the very first moment he had met her years ago, it might have been in different terms (due to her mistaking him as the 'tiger shirt pervert') but it definitely did make quite an impact to him considering he managed to recognize her immediately even after 7 years have passed. 

Perhaps there is truth to the saying that certain moments of your life will flash by like a long film strip when you're about to enter an extremely important moment of your life. The numerous memories made with her all popped up as he silently waited in front of the big wooden doors.

As the last few seconds tick away, the thoughts of his future with her suddenly crossed through his mind. There was a thought that made his heart flutter, the realization that follows makes his heart beat even faster and his smile...wider than ever. 

Finally! He wasn't alone anymore... this time he had Sarang with him to go through each day. To make more memories together and to comfort and love each other until the end of time and who knows.... maybe even start a beautiful family with her one day. The thought of having a little Won or Sarang around just made fireworks erupt in his stomach. 

Reminded of his father's words for him earlier, Won gently smiles to himself as he nods to himself and fixes his blazer for the last time.

Suddenly being brought out of his thoughts by the wedding staff, Won is ushered to walk in as soon as Sangsik announces his entrance. There was a hushed silence from the inside and all you could hear was the music bouncing off the marble walls of the wedding hall. 

And as if it was on cue, the music stops playing and it was soon replaced by Sangsik's booming voice blasting through the 2 speakers placed on the 2 sides of the ceiling. 

'And now....the dashing groom will enter.' 

As if on cue, the huge double doors open simultaneously and Won is immediately met by the smiling faces of close family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances that came to wish both him and Sarang well. 

There was a huge round of applause and cheers from the guests as he charmingly enters wearing his dapper suit and slicked back hair. He briefly crosses eyes with Sangsik and smiles as he turns back around to face the now closed double doors. 

Bowing out of respect and gratefulness to the guests who spared their time to celebrate with them, Won gently smiles and performs a deep bow. 

In a few seconds, Sarang would appear right in front of him... and he just knew he had to cherish the moment he sees her walking down towards him..... it was the last few seconds for him and her before they officially become each other's husband and wife and he just knew how precious of a memory this would be for them and their future family. 

As the guests settle down and send him the occasional 'congratulations', Won glances at his parents, both clearly looking emotional and happy for him as they tried their best to hide the tears away from the corner of their eyes. They were happy.... that despite them not being able to provide the happiest childhood for him, he had broken all the expectations and had still managed to find a happy ending for himself. 

'The woman of the hour.... the bride will now enter.'

As Sangsik makes the final announcement, the 2 doors open and it revealed the most beautiful and elegant bride ever.

Won was just wonder strucked as he crossed eyes with his bride. She gently shoots him a sweet smile and he flashes her the most love filled smile ever. Yet again, cheers, compliments, claps filled the entire wedding hall as Sarang flows down the aisle in a beautiful wedding gown. Her hair was pinned back just like any elegant and classic bride, the veil was short and simple, keeping her entire look tidy and simple but with a hint of elegance just from the style of her natural make up. 

Sarang didn't need any make up to stand out anyway, Gu Won even at one point tried to convince her to not wear any for their wedding since she looked beautiful to him everyday whether or not she wore it.

At that moment, Won slightly surprises Sarang as he suddenly walks over whilst keeping his eyes on her. It was a decision he had secretly made last night as he spent the final night being alone in his room. He hated the idea of having her walk towards him, Won wanted to show her that he would be with her every step of the way hence he decided to make it a surprise by walking down to escort her... it was a representation that they were entering the new chapter of their life at the same time and most importantly... together. 

Author's Notes:

As a longtime OG Sone & Hottest. I still can't believe this drama happened.

But since it's the first weekend without King the land, I'm writing a continuation of Won and Sarang's story through this new AU. (for my delulu self)

This au will soon also be published on Archive of our own, but for now... It's all gonna be on Wattpad cause your gal is so busy.

Hope you'll all enjoy, If you ahve any ideas... Feel free to send me some 💝

Happy Reading y'all


Bless Lee Junho for actually blessing us with this selfie

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Bless Lee Junho for actually blessing us with this selfie.

Twitter- @PeachBread5

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