7// Thank you.... for coming into my life

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They say time passes by extremely fast if you are enjoying whatever it was you are doing. In this case, Sarang finds herself confirming that there is in fact a little truth in that saying as she finds herself yet again on her final day of hers and Won's honeymoon.

Spending time in the English countryside definitely helped the both of them relax and meditate for a while. It was quiet, refreshing and calming, a perfect sanctuary for the couple to relax and enjoy during the last few days of their honeymoon. It definitely was unlike the loud and bustling city of Seoul which the couple was much more accommodated to.

Similar to how they spent their last day at Thailand, the couple had decided to simply spend their time at home rather than head out. After all, they had a whole castle to themselves, they might as well stay there and enjoy the privacy and beauty of the place right?

Won sat on a leather armchair in one of the many sitting rooms reviewing a new report Sangsik had sent him. Although his secretary had promised not to bother him while he was on his honeymoon, business related matters were inevitably some of the things he needed to do no matter what.

He spent a good 30 minutes typing on his laptop until he notices Sarang entering the room from the corner of his eye. The man had always melted whenever he saw her, yet again he shuts his laptop close and charmingly sends her a smile. Wearing a beautiful knee length pink sun dress, Sarang grins as she meets eyes with her husband. After seeing him work so hard even while they were technically supposed to be on leave, she had personally prepared tea and snacks just for him.

Setting the tray down on the coffee table, Sarang sweetly smiles at Won and sits on the arm of the chair he was sitting on. Without being asked to, Sarang reaches out to massage her husband's shoulders. As she gently helped eased the soreness on his muscles gained from his unexpected work, she reminds him in a gentle voice laced with concern.

'You've worked hard.... Now please take a break and have some tea and snacks. At this point, you didn't even get to enjoy a peaceful time. I hate to see you overworking yourself when your supposed to be enjoying our honeymoon.'

Won smiles and closes his eyes as he leans his head onto his wife's warmth, and with much affection, Sarang leans down and wraps her arms around his upper body. The air was filled with love and gentle affection as the couple literally cuddled in a sort of back hug under the chandelier lit sitting room.

Yet again, Won's thoughts move to the past when he used to feel secluded alone and exhausted with no one to offer comfort and warmth when he came back home. His heart had always felt cold after growing up without his mother and with no answers about her disappearance. But yet, looking at how far his come, he smiles in contentment after nuzzling and confiding into his wife's love. Finally, he had a real home and finally.... the realization that he could lay down all of his burdens and just be with the love of his life made his heart and soul tingle of what's more to come.

Eventually escaping from her warm embrace, he turns back to face her and speaks in a gentle yet charismatic voice.

'Take a walk with me....my love?'

Sarang agrees without a moment's hesitation, and so the couple walks around the huge estate with their arms linking and their hands wrapped around each other.

The weather in the UK oddly felt better than a few days ago, although the breeze was still cold and windy. Nevertheless, there was still a peaceful atmosphere in the countryside as the only sounds you could pretty much hear were of birds singing a chorus of madrigals as they flew around the trees everywhere.

Suddenly breaking the silence, Sarang spoke in a soft voice as she scans the well maintained garden around them.

'It would be nice to bring our kids here one day.... they could freely run around and play as they immerse themselves in the natural environment.'

Enchanted// Gu Won x Cheon Sa Rang ( King The Land )Where stories live. Discover now