The one with the next season

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Second last chapter and I'm still grieving the trade lol hope you enjoy!


7 months along

"Do you need anything before we go to the arena?" Klim asks carrying my camera bag out to the car. "Tim hortons" I answer rubbing the bump. "Hot chocolate and a wrap?" He asks.

I nod looking at him as I get to the car "yes" i answer with a smile. He opens the door for me and places the camera bag between my legs and then goes around to the driver's side. Once I'm buckled and he has music playing we're off.

He holds my hand while he drives "do you want the one closest to us currently or one closer to work?" He asks turning my heated seat on. "To the arena" I answer looking at him.

We talk on the drive and occasionally stop just to listen to the music playing and he'll leave a kiss on the back of my hand or I'll kiss his cheek during stop lights.

Once we've gotten my hot chocolate and farmers wrap we get to the arena. He carries my stuff in for me a d Amanda's there setting up her cameras "do you want to do the entrance photos for tonight's game?" She asks.

She then turns around and sees me. "Oh wow you really popped" she says. "Yeah I suddenly got bigger yesterday" I reply rubbing the bump. "Hows baby girl?" She asks.

Klim and I both smile "shes good we're so excited" I answer. "I've gotta go I'll see you later" klim tells me. "Ok have fun out there" I reply. He kisses the side of my head "will do I love you" he says. I smile "I love you too" i reply then klim leaves.

This morning it is a practice so there isn't much to do. "And yes I'd like to do the entrance photos for tonight's game" i answer. We agreed that I'll do entrance photos here and there until I have to stop working next month.

Before I have to take time off they are hiring an intern and we are training her before I have to give birth to Anastasia. Just 8 more weeks.

"Great how are you feeling?" She asks. I smile "great my moms moving here in a couple weeks and her house is beautiful" I answer. "That's amazing I'm happy for you" she says. "So much has happened in such a short amount of time it's kinda crazy" I reply.

We talk for a little bit before she goes to take photos of the guys on the ice. She sends them to me and I edit them and send them to be approved then I post them on the teams Instagram and twitter.

As I'm working theres a knock on the door so I turn towards it "there you are I didn't see you by the ice" lauren says. "Yeahhh amanda and I switched since I'm so pregnant" I reply.

She smiles "hows she doing today?" She asks. "She is kinda hungry" I answer. "I can go get you something if you want" she says. "Really?" I ask. She nods "of course" she says.

"Can you get me a mcdouble, a junior chicken, 10 piece nugget and a medium fry" I ask. She nods "what sauce for the nuggets?" She asks. "Habanero" I answer. She nods "okay do you want a pop or milkshake?" She asks.

I gasp "strawberry shake" I answer. She giggles and nods "ok I'll be back" she says. I nod and she leaves to get me food while I continue working. Amanda comes back for a break "klims doing good out there" she says.

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