Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

There's blood all over me.

My heart pounds in my chest, it's almost as if it's going to burst out. I stare at Alpha Gabriel's heart, which is only a few inches away from my dress. Fear and terror covers my face before I jump up on my feet and run away from the stage where my wedding has taken place.

Only one thing crosses my mind.

My mother.

We are in grave danger, getting attacked and the alpha of our pack is dead. As the other wolves fight one and another, tear each other's heads apart, I make my way up the stairs, rushing into the alpha's office to get the blood my mother needs.

My wolf screams within me. I'm lost, hurt and I can't think straight.

I stumble into the office, my dress torn and my hair in disarray. I trip off my dress twice on my way up and a few tears form, but none of that stops me from getting what I want.

The blood.

The vampire's blood.

As far as I knew, Alpha Gabriel must've kept it in his office. I frantically search the room for the vial while hearing the distant howls and screams of the battle raging outside. It's getting wilder and wilder. Panic threatens to swallow me whole, but I focus on the task at hand.

My mother's life depends on it. I've to give her the bed. She needs to heal.

So what if Alpha Gabriel is dead? I married him, I fulfilled my promise and he has to fulfill his and it doesn't matters if he's dead.

My eyes search around his desk and my trembling hands shuffle the papers, tossing them all down. I open up any boxes to find the vial, but I can't get it.

Where is it?

My jaw clamps shut tight and I breathe heavily through my nose while going through the drawers. There's one that's locked. I try to pry it open but I can't, not even with all the strength I've. Turning my hand into a fist, I slam it against the drawer. It's wood, it's meant to break.

"Come on." I groan, grabbing the handle and pulling on it.

My knuckles bleed, but I don't care. The handle comes into my hand and just at the same time, the lock breaks. I open the drawer and look at the contents inside. There's nothing.

There's nothing.

Shock washes over my face and my body turns cold. There's nothing. Alpha Gabriel was lying to me, he never had the vampire's blood. He did this all so I could marry him, just as he wanted. He was playing with me.

Another grunt flees my throat before I thrash my hands against the wooden table. It sways but doesn't fall onto the ground.

Tears well up in my eyes as the realization hits me. He lied to me. He fucking lied to me.

I step out of the office after collecting myself. It's quieter now but I can smell the blood in the air. The back of my hand goes against my face, wiping my wet cheek before I run toward the exit at the back of the pack house.

Whether I have the blood or not, I've to see my mother. She doesn't have long and I've to make sure she isn't going to get injured by one of these wild, untamed wolves that have attacked the pack.

I try to shift and run, but my wolf doesn't allow it. She wants to stay here, stay where my mate it, where that cruel man is. He's still in the pack house, killing other wolves.

My mate.

The thought of him being my mate feels like a betrayal. How could I have such a mate? It isn't supposed to be like this. I'm not supposed to be mated to a man like him—whoever he is. I've seen the danger in his eyes when he killed Alpha Gabriel. It's a monster I'm a mated to, not a man.

I force myself to continue running away from the pack house and to my home. There's quite a distance left. Many passersby glance in my direction when they see me. Some of them are aware of what's happening while others are clueless, but the chaos is beginning to spread.

I've to take my mother away from here, even if she has to live a few days more.

When I reach the house, I run inside and search for my mother. She's on the bed, sleeping peacefully, and for a moment, I don't want to wake her. There's a bit of sweat formed on her forehead and right by the bed, I see tissue papers with blood piled up.

My shoulders slump forward and my heart swells with despair.

I step into the room quietly and get down on my knees beside the bed. My mother doesn't know what's happening, but she has to. Soon.

"Is that you, Aurora?" she whispers, her voice soft. Her hand drops over my shoulder as she senses me. "You're back soon. What did you get from the market?" Her fingers curl around the strands of my hair.


Breaths barely leave my chest as tears stream down my cheeks. "There's something happening, Mama. And I need you to wake up so I can take you with me. Out of here."

"Where do you want to go?" Her eyes are still shut, but she's conscious.

It's better for her if she doesn't open them and sees the state I'm in. Wearing a wedding dress and covered in the blood of the man I had just married—who was also older than my own mother.

"Away from here. Will you try and come with me?" I wrap my hand around hers.

"I will—we'll go anywhere you want to go, Aurora."

Just as she finishes talking, I hear a loud thud from the outside. My heart jumps at the sound of it and I quickly turn my head around to the main door that I can see from the bedroom.

The smell of my mate reaches my nose and I flinch.

"What is that?" My mother questions me while rolling her head over the pillow.

"It's just the thunder, it's raining outside," I raise myself up from the ground and pull my hand away from hers. "I'll come back in a few minutes. Get some more rest."

Quickly, I make my way out of the room and shut the door behind when I sense that man getting closer and closer. He's in the house and I already know it because the front door is on the ground and his shadow is stretched across the living room. Fear envelopes me when my eyes meet his.

His gaze, a jagged bolt of lightning, sears through me, leaving an imprint on my soul. "So, you thought you could just waltz away like some thief in the night and I'm not going to find you?" He sneers while folding his arms across his chest.

Even when all the lights of the house are switched off, I can still see the blood on him, on his hands, on his chest—on his mouth. Moonlight floods in and I take a cautious step back. He's a monster. Nothing more.

"Nobody runs from me, mate."

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