Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I can't let fear cloud my judgment.

"Yeah, we had been at home the whole night and my Dad just learned about a while ago. By the time he left, I suppose it was over or something. We're pretty shaken here. What about you? I hope you're home." Liora talks on the phone quickly as I hold it against my ear.

For a moment, I stop biting the inside of my cheek and snap into reality. "Yeah—I'm fine. I just need something from you." There's fear in my tone, I can hear it myself.

"What is it?"

"Could you come here and take care of my mother for a few days? She's going to be fine now. I managed to get vampire blood, but I still need someone to look after her while I'm gone. At least for a few days." I quickly say, barely even breathing.

I feel my mate's gaze on me, it's piercing through my back. I already know what's written in my destiny now. It's nothing good.

"Where are you going?" Liora questions, her voice full of surprise. "And suddenly? Are you okay?"

I stare ahead into the dark blank wall in front of me and my mind races with several thoughts. There's no right explanation, and I doubt there'll ever be. I'm doomed, for eternity. How can I tell that to everyone? Before answering, I turn, seeing my mate.

His dark eyes search mine. He watches me intently and all I want to know is what's going on inside his head.

I look away and finally respond to Liora, "I'm heading out of town for a few days. I'll be back soon but there's just something I need to do. Please, tell me you'll come here and visit my mother."

"Of course—but where—"

"That's not important," I cut her off. There isn't much time left. "Whenever you're able to come, please do."

"I will."

Drawing the phone away from my ear, I cut the call and turn my attention to my mate. My mate. My wolf curls within me with rage, punishing me for what I've done. Nothing more than a betrayal. I turn away from him and head into the kitchen to grab a knife and a small glass.

It has been only a few minutes, but I don't want to wait for long. I want my mother to heal, to live on, like she was always meant to.

When I step out, I find his eyes tracing my every step. Reaching close, I stretch my arm and forward the glass in my hand.

"Your blood." It isn't a demand but a request.

His face isn't clear in the dark but when I'm up close to him, I can see fine details. His nose, straight and proud, has a slight crook at the end, suggesting a few misadventures. Most of him is covered in blood, innocent or not, still blood. His face is framed by waves of dark hair, some of it cascading over his cheeks.

He doesn't look as old as Alpha Gabriel, but he's certainly a few years older than me. I'm not quite sure.

There's something about his eyes, something I can't quite get.

My mind drifts away when he raises his hand and gives it to me rather than taking the cup and filling it up with his blood. My breath races and I lower my gaze before pressing the tip of the knife against his palm. A small cut forms on his pale skin and a little blood seeps out, barely enough to even drop into the glass that I'm holding under his hand.

My brows furrow as the cut heals almost immediately. My mate chuckles but refuses to utter a word.

I raise my head up in confusion, wondering and wondering. He furthers me to try again but I know well it's not going to work. It takes me a few long seconds to understand what's happening and when I do, I drag the knife over his palm again, this time making a bigger cut.

His hand tenses slightly, but he doesn't flinch, doesn't retract. He holds his hand over the glass, allowing the blood to drip into it. But again, the wound heals almost instantly, quicker than last time. A chill runs down my spine. My mate, still silent, manages another chuckle.

It begins to frustrate me. My hand, still holding the knife, trembles slightly. I make a third attempt, this time dragging the blade deeper, a longer incision across his palm.

The blood wells up, rich and crimson, for a moment it seems to defy the pull of gravity, then slowly it begins to drip into the glass. By the time the flesh begins to knit itself back together, the glass is partly filled with his blood.

My shoulders ease and I step back.

"Thank you." I smile cheekily before walking away from him with the glass in my hand.

Hurrying into the bedroom, I find my mother on the bed, coughing blood and barely alive. I take in her frail form and breathe in heavily. Her skin, once radiant, is now ghastly and her breaths are coming out in ragged gasps. She groans as she hears me enter and shifts over the bed.

"Aurora," She calls out my name and I rush to her side, my heart heavy with worry. "Come here, sit down with me."

I sit on the bed by her side and switch on the lamp. My fingers tremble as I bring the glass of my mate's blood closer to her. I see her and she's barely holding on.

"I got you something, Mama," I whisper, placing my free hand over hers to gain her attention. Her eyes open a little and I stand up. "A vampire's blood—" Partly. Emptying my mind, I focus on my mother. "I want you to drink it and you're going to feel a lot better."

"Where did you get it from?" She questions while I try to make her sit up. Her voice is but a breath, yet it carries a mother's concern, even in her weakened state.

"You don't need to know where I got it from. I've it now and I want you to drink it." I hold the glass to her lips while her fingers grip my arm for support as she finally sits on the bed.

She takes a hesitant sip, her face contorting slightly at the metallic taste. With a gentle smile, I further her to continue, to drink whatever is in the glass. There isn't much but I know it's enough to heal a werewolf from a vampire's bit. It should be.

"Drink, Mama. It will help." I urge, my own heart pounding in my chest.

Each passing second feels like an eternity. The room is filled with hushed silence, broken only by my mother's labored breathing and the distant ticking of the wall clock. I look outside from the open door and I see my mate's shadow.

He's waiting for me to leave with him. Patiently.

My head lowers to my mother as she finishes drinking the blood. I rest the glass on the side of the table and wrap my arms around her. I don't know how long it's going to be before I can see her again. I don't want to leave, but I've to.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Mama." I whisper while burying my head in the crook of her neck.

Her skin begins to turn warm with every passing second. It's working just as it was supposed to. I smile to myself and forbade any tears from falling over my cheek.

"Where are you going?" My mother asks me.

I quickly shake my head and lean back. "Nowhere. Rest now. You're going to be alright and Liora's going to come see you too, soon. When you wake up, your life will be all different and you won't be sick." I brush a stray lock of hair from her forehead, my fingers lingering on her warming skin.

Her eyes, still clouded with pain and fatigue, soften at my words. "Promise?" She manages to whisper.

"Promise," I reassure while letting her lay back down. As soon as she does, I press a tender kiss on her forehead, stealing my vow. "I love you, Mama."

"You too." She closes her eyes, a sigh of relief escaping her lips.

Her hand, still in mine, gives me a weak squeeze before relaxing. Slowly, her breathing evens out, the coughing fits recede and she drifts into a peaceful slumber. I sit by her side for a while longer, watching the rise and fall of her chest and the peace over her face.

All her pain is gone.

But mine isn't.

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