Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

My pulse races and I take another step back, as far as I can get from him. He, however, gets near to the point where I'm trapped between him and the wall near the kitchen where the TV hangs.

"I'm not running away," I choke out, my voice as low as a whisper. Anything to keep my mother from not hearing what was happening in her own home. "I didn't want to marry him, but I had to."

His rough hand comes around my wrist and his fingers press against the ring that's there, that I've worn. "Oh, you poor, unfortunate soul. Forced to marry a man you didn't love? That sounds so terrible. You almost have my sympathy. Almost."

I nod and agree, slightly unsure if it's humor or mockery dripping from his words. His eyes are dark, and dangerous as their pierce into my soul.

"What do you want from me?" I question.

Dropping my hand, he takes a step back and shrugs, his smirk never leaving his face. "I came here to kill the alpha after receiving a little threat. My intentions were clear as the night, kill and leave, but I didn't know that I'd be ruining a wedding, of the same man I intended to kill tonight," His eyes travel over the pictures on the chest that rests in the corner of the room. He picks one and I'm there, a few years younger. "Surprising, isn't it?"

One question and only one question runs through my mind.

"Who are you?"

There are more, many more questions—why did he kill Gabriel? Where did he come from? How could he be my mate?

"What relation did you have with that old man?" Instead of answering, he turns to me and questions. "What was he offering you? Were you just simply whoring yourself out to get a position next to the alpha? Or was it something more?"

A shiver runs down my spine at his questions. "I—I didn't have any relation. I didn't want to marry him—"

"Yet you did," He snaps and places his hand over my mouth, silencing me. "And that alone infuriates me. To have a mate and then to find that she had been disloyal, marrying off to another man while being at the prime age of finding a mate. It's disgraceful, and it surely makes my wolf want to tear something apart. Preferably you."

I try to speak, but his hand remains firmly over my mouth, my protests coming out muffled. Panic bubbles inside me and consume me.

He leans in close to the point where I can feel his warm breath against my cheek. His hand slips lower, lower enough to let me breathe, but not let me talk.

"Pack your shit, Aurora. You're coming with me, not as my mate but as my prisoner. And take that dress off your fucking body before I rip it myself."

My stomach twists at his words. When he finally releases his grip on my mouth, I shake my head and plead otherwise. "I—I can't leave, I can't go with you—"

"Do you really think there's a choice here?" He cocks a brow at me and sits down while I remain near the wall, completely shaken.

"My mother's sick, I can't leave her. She'll die without me."

His eyes turn back at me, and for a moment, the expression on his face softens, almost as if he's understanding me. Only then, I hear a chuckle leaving his throat. "I can smell her rotting, if she isn't already dead."

"She's my mother!"

He stands up and stalks towards me, the cold amusement in his eyes replaced by a dangerous fury. "And you, my dear Aurora, were supposed to be my mate. Yet here you are, widowed. So forgive me if I don't shed any tears for your sick mother."

My gaze runs over him and instead of being furious and completely crushed, a thought crosses my mind. It comes rushing in quickly and before I know it, the words have escaped my lips.

"You're the alpha of the north, the hybrid—you've blood on your mouth—you're a vampire," I step back, knowing the fear in the words I've spoken, but there's hope, more than hope. "My mother was bitten by a vampire, but not healed. You can give her your blood and she'll heal." I freeze in my tracks and whisper.

The corner of his mouth curls, "Now, why would I do that?"

It's true. I'm standing opposite the only hybrid, a man who can be both vampire and a werewolf.

"Because she's my mother and I'm your mate—" I reach forward and stumble on my own words. My heart thuds, I just have to through him. "And I'll come with you if you give me your blood, but if you don't, you'll be dealing with worse than a widowed mate and you'll be killing my mother, which I'll never forgive you for." I don't breathe, not until I can convince him to give me his blood.

He closes the distance between us and I ignore the fear gnawing at the pit of my stomach. "That's quite a threat, especially coming from something so little like you."

My head leans back and I look into his eyes. "It is."

"And if I chose to let your mother die?"

I contain my anger and raise my hand before pressing a finger against his solid chest. "Then I'll never come with you, anywhere, ever, and you can rot alone, mateless for your eternity."

My breath hitches as he grabs my wrist and pulls me closer before trailing the tip of his nose across the back of my hand.

"You've quite the fire, and I'm going to enjoy taming every inch of you," His eyes flicker open and return to mine. "I'll give your mother my blood, but you'll leave with me now. You'll return if I wish you to, that's if you can still return once I'm through with you."

"But I've family and friends—"

"I don't care," His voice is cold, cold as the night. "You're my mate, I'll do as I please with you."

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