Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I take off my clothes, one by one, without another thought. He watches me intently, his gaze moving along with my fingers and over every inch of bare skin that is unveiled. His lips part slightly, a silent invitation for me to continue. My breaths come out quickly as I discard each piece of clothing onto the cold ground below. There's nothing stopping me tonight.

Not even shame.

My hair falls over my breasts as I take unbutton my shirt and take it off. The anticipation within me rises. I still have no clue of what I'm heading into, but it's too late to turn back now. I'm already here, in front of him, my skin bare. I don't know what he's thinking when he sees me. But only a few seconds after undressing, his hand returns to my leg, to the back of my leg and he pulls me onto his lap.

I fall straight on him, my heart drumming roughly in my chest as my legs rest on the sides of his one leg. His both hands snake through my body and it feels good. More than just good. I can't find the words to understand what's happening to my body.

I've never been touched by a man before and as much as it sounds righteous, I did always crave it, like every girl did. Though, my mother's health had occupied my mind over the past few months. I didn't seek my mate, or even bothered to get along with any guy.

The conflicting desires swirl inside me as I straddle his hard leg. Should I surrender to the forbidden pleasure? Or continue to resist, denying myself something I secretly yearn for?

He traces his hand down my back, goosebumps following his trail. I look into his dark eyes, but they aren't on mine anymore, they are on my body. He's tempted, maybe more than even I am. I can't read his mind but he can surely read mine.

He already has.

He turns me around and lays me down on the bed. The room doesn't feel as cold as it was before. It's rather warmer, but I'm sure it's because I'm lying under a man, naked and in heat. My whole body shrinks under him. He places his one hand near to my head and the other one rests below my waist.

My lips part and breaths escape. I begin noticing the little things I've missed before. He's a lot bigger than me, muscular and feral. It's more safer when I'm on his lap rather than lying underneath him because even when there's nothing to fear, I'm still scared. He's a man and I'm a woman.

Gently, he leans down, his lips hovering just above mine. My body rattles with heat as I meet his eyes once more and the allure hidden in them.

"Why don't you start telling me how you're feeling?" He asks, tracing his fingers along the sides of my face.

My brows furrow. "You can read my mind."

His thumb rubs against my lower lip and I hold back my breaths. "I can, but I want to hear it from your mouth. I want you to tell me exactly what you're feeling, because if you don't, I can't offer you any relief, Aurora."

I swallow, my heart pounding against my ribs. "I'm—it feels like I'm on fire," I confess, a shiver running down my spine as I finally voice the sensation coursing through my body. "And—" My eyes trail his hand as it lingers between my thighs. The anticipation, the yearning, all bubbling inside me.

"Go on," Zade whispers, his voice tempting.

His fingers glide upwards, a dangerous tease, and I suck in a sharp breath. "And there's a throbbing."

"A throbbing?" His fingers are still for a moment as he waits for me to continue.

"Yes," I confess, a whimper escaping my lips as the pressure within me becomes intense. "There's a need, a throbbing need." My insides clench and warmth spreads in my core in a way it never has. There's a strong sense of desire and urgency running through me and I can't help it.

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