13| Under The Influence

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5th October, 1998

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5th October, 1998

Draco lazily flicked his wand and the patch of grass beside him blossomed with baby breaths, surrounding him in pinks and whites.

He smiled at his work and then with another swish of his wand, the flowers vanished as if sinking back into the earth, leaving the patch covered with plain green strands of grass.

"Show off," Pansy yelled. She was sprawled on the ground, the soles of her feet pressed against the tree Draco was using as a backrest.

Draco followed her line of sight to see Blaise emerging from the water, his dark hair sticking to his forehead, his chest on full display for the wandering witches.

Blaise caught Pansy's eyes from across the area and grinned. Draco watched as a sixth-year Ravenclaw walked past Blaise, her eyes glued to him and she almost slammed into a tree before her friend managed to drag her away.

Blaise splashed his way to the edge of the lake before picking his wand up from the ground. He dried himself quickly, throwing on his shirt before he joined the two of them.

"I've got something," Pansy announced, sitting upright and tucking her feet under her.

Blaise copied her movements, settling himself next to her as Pansy continued to shuffle through her book bag.

Anything Pansy announced with this much enthusiasm could never be good.

"Is it another Nott's fucked up version of firewhiskey?" he questioned dryly and watched as Pansy's eyes lit up.

"Yes," she laughed, finally pulling out the bottle. It was the square bottle of normal firewhiskey but Draco knew that inside would be one of Theo's new experiments.

Blaise groaned, snatching the bottle from Pansy and shoving it back into the bag. He zipped the bag and stood up, motioning for them to follow.

"Put that away, Pans. If anyone sees it, we'll be in deep shit."

Pansy simply rolled her eyes.

"Your common room or ours?" Blaise questioned as they entered the castle.

"Not mine. The Gryffindors are having a study session there."

Blaise nodded and turned towards the spiral staircase that led down to the dungeons.

"Nott doesn't do well with confinement. I'm afraid he might lose his mind trapped in that house," Pansy said with a shake of her head.

"I wish I could somehow get him out of there," Blaise said with a sigh.

"At least he's keeping himself busy," Draco pointed out with a helpless shrug.

Blaise reached forward and ruffled Pansy's hair, removing the grass stuck to the back of her head.

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