7. What's on your mind?

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"You know, Shazal had a point," Yusra remarks casually as she pops a piece of candy into her mouth. The two of them step into the elevator while holding onto some heavy shopping bags.

"What was he right about?" Zumar inquires, trying to balance the bags on her forearm while gripping the handrail.

"He said we wouldn't study," She says with a smug face, raising the bags as evidence. "I wanted to prove him wrong, but look where we are now."

"Oh, come on. We'll go back home and study," Zumar suggests as they approach the end of the escalator.

"Do you think we'll have the energy for that? Well, at least I won't," she quips as they get off to the third floor of the mall Zumar dragged her in after school. 

 "Are you hungry?" Zumar interjects completely ignoring her and she could just huff in a teeny tiny bit of annoyance.

"I am if it's your treat, who says no to free food anyway." She replies with a casual shrug, noticing that Zumar is heading toward the next elevator. Why do they have to go through all this trouble just to change floors, uf?

"By the way, why was the bookworm with you yesterday?" Zumar asks, wiggling her eyebrows teasingly.

"Because he was invited?" She answers nonchalantly.

"And why was he invited? Don't tell me it was for dinner?! Oh my! You didn't tell me you're already booked? This is fantastic news!" Zumar cries out with excitement while they stand on the steps. She even grabs Yusra's hand and examines her fingers. "You should have invited me too. Where's the ring? Did they give you one, or are you just booked for later? I'm happy in both cases, by the way..."

"Hello, hello!" She interrupts suddenly, pulling her hand back and swatting Zumar's away. "Do you know that whenever you talk, you tend to spout nonsense?"

"Look at you blushing furiously on the inside," Zumar teases anyhow.

"Shut up. He was invited for dinner because my parents wanted to congratulate him on... wait a minute," She pauses, her expression shifting to confusion. "He hasn't even taken the exam yet. What were they so happy about, huh?"

"You can be a real dim bulb sometimes," Zumar flicks her forehead, prompting an "Ouch" from her.

"Whatever. He's getting into some university, and there's no doubt he'll ace the exam," She says as a backup as they move toward the top floor, where the food section is located.

"Hm," Zumar acknowledges.

They settled down at a table in the corner of Burger King, unloading their shopping bags on a chair and letting out sighs of relief after which they idly peruse the menu card.

"Now, tell me, how did your mother agree to let you go live with your father?"

Zumar sighs. "I just said in anger that I would go and stay with Dad, and she immediately agreed. She even threatened me not to come back to her if things didn't seem good there. But do you see all these bags? Do you see the amount of money my father is ready to spend on me? She's being foolish, has always been"

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