Today was exactly what i needed; a girls day.

We were going to get dama dresses!

I put on my outfit (pic up top). Simple but cute

I was doing my makeup when Ella and Aisha walked in

"TELL A FRIEND TO TELL A FRIEND SHES BAAACKK" they yell walking in. Its our own little joke

"Hey guys" i laugh finishing my mascara. Today i actually put in energy using concealer highlighter blush and lipgloss plus my usual mascara

"Im so excited to see the dresses" Aisha says laying back on my bed. Ella and i agree, then i grab my purse phone my keys and some money and we head down stairs.

"Whos going with us?"

"Uh the rest of the girls are meeting us there but were riding with my mom Bella and Mari" i said

Even though we didnt talk to Benny, i was still the same with his parents and sister

"Nena, ve diles a Bella y Mari que ya nos vamos" my mom says

"Ok, cmon guys lets go"

We walk across the street to the Rodriguez house. I open the door and walk in to see Benny and Olivia in the living room watching a movie

Olivia rolls her eyes "you walk in like you live here. They probably dont even want you here" she says in an annoyed tone

"Hm well if they didnt want me here they wouldn't have given me a key would they?" I say tilting my head and smirking at her making her scoff and roll her eyes
I win

"Your awfully quiet Benjamin" Ella says rolling her eyes

"I thought you guys didnt like me anymore, why are you here" benny said

"Dont flatter yourself were not here for you" i say rolling my eyes. These people are going to make my eyes get stuck i swear.

"Hey mija" Mari says walking down stairs, bella behind her. They both hug us and i feel Olivia glare at me. Guess they don't like her as much as they love me.
Or at all

We walk back to my driveway where my mom was waiting for us. We got in the car, my mom driving, Mari in the passengers seat, then Bella in the second row and Aisha Ella and I in the very back because we were picking up Diana on our way.

We started driving and my mom turned on the radio and Recházame started playing

"AYY RECHÁZAME ES QUE NO PUEDO ACEPTAR TU AMOOORRR" we all sing. We picked up Diana and meet my tias and cousins at the plaza, where theres a lot of boutiques at.

We saw a lot of dresses but it was hard to pick since the oldest damas were around 15 and the youngest 10, but we finally found one everyone liked. It was cute and comfy.
(Not showing you yet heheh)

After we bought the dresses we went to get the shoes. My mom and i wanted to surprise them so we bought them both some heels and some custom air forces.

Like i said today was just what i needed to distract myself.

Ella and Aisha were sleeping over, so on the way back we blasted Prince Royce

"YO SOLO QUIERO DARTE UN BESO" we sang. When we pulled up to the driveway it was about 5:30 so Mari invited us to her house for dinner and told us to invite the boys.

We told them to meet at my house so we could show them the dresses without Ella and Aishas parents seeing so it would be a surprise. Soon the Smalls came, then the McClennans,Porters and so on.

We went to my house and i sat them in the living room while the girls tried on their dresses to show them

"Ok guys ready" i say in excitement

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