Chapter Nine, Part Three - What Happened In The Past

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In a quiet, upscale restaurant on Park Avenue Tidus and I shared a booth. Our view was Central Park, with the city lights and busy traffic displayed beyond. Tidus enjoyed a glass of cold Chardonnay while I delicately ate my way through a soup and salad.

"So how many other family members do you have?" I was trying the civil approach. It was better than arguing or sitting in awkward silence. "So far I only know about you and Caspian."

"I have an older sister named Olivia and an older brother named Laiken. I also have a younger brother, Johl. Johl and Olivia are the only two I keep in contact with. I haven't seen Laiken in centuries."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that."

"Don't be. Laiken never embraced Vampirism as well of the rest of us. He resented what happened to our family and he turned his back on us because of it. He was also the only one of us who never struggled in finding his Humanity. To Laiken, the day we Turned is the day we became monsters -including him."

"And you never see each other?"

"It's a big world." Tidus traced the rim of his glass with his finger. "It's easy to disappear in a crowd in Italy or vanish down one of the winding streets of London or get lost in a jungle in the outlands of Africa. There are a lot of places to hide when you don't feel like being found. Nevertheless, I know he'll show up again, one of these decades."

"And your parents?" I couldn't help but feel sorry for him and the brokenness of his family. "What about them?"

"They were murdered. They've been dead for a long time."

"Oh. I'm sorry, really -"

"Why?" Tidus stared ominously into his wine before taking a large sip. "I'm not." But this time Tidus hadn't managed to mask his lie so well. I still saw a flash of the grief he kept hidden. He mourned, even if he refused to admit it. "It's a pity you never got to meet your father, Naomi." Tidus caught me off guard with the sudden change in topic. "The few times we met he was always respectful and he spoke so... carefully. I admired him for that."

"I wish I could say the rest of my family share those qualities but, sadly, they don't." Suddenly my appetite was lost. I pushed aside my half-eaten food. "What's it to you, anyway? I assumed you didn't like my family."

"You're right, I don't," he replied spitefully. "Jack Noble was tolerable, but his father has done nothing to improve Vampire-Werewolf relations. And for me, that's a problem."

"Ah," Instantly I was enlightened. "The truth comes out. Stupid me-I assumed you invited me to New York as a distraction."

"I have an offer for you-"

"And I already have an answer-no."

"Hear me out." This was more of an order than a plead. "One day, you plan on taking over the Leadership, correct? And I want my seat back on the Council. And one way for us to achieve that, faster, is to be rid of Charles."

I had no words. All I could do was stare at Tidus.

"A few years ago Harbor Village had issues with a group of rogue Hunters. They were picking off random members of the Revenant. And of course, Charles did nothing to intervene so the Council was forced to solve the problem on their own. Unfortunately for the Leadership, the Council's feelings are still hurt so they've given me a task. If I have Charles removed from the Eldership, they'll return my seat on the Council."

"Look, Tidus, I realize the Garou have a track record for turning their backs on other Supernaturals, but do you honestly believe I would help you get rid of the Elder?" This was too presumptuous, even for him.

"You haven't figured it out yet, but you'll understand soon." Tidus leaned forward, snaring me in his gaze. "Charles is nothing like your father. He doesn't care about the happiness of each individual-he cares about your Pack as a whole. There is no you or him or her. There is only the Pack and he will do anything to preserve it-even if it means sacrificing a few of his own. Anyone beneath him is just a pawn in his game... starting with you. You don't fit the mold for his Leadership-you're too defiant. You should probably get rid of him... before he gets rid of you..."

I was stiff with resentment. "Charles wouldn't go that far. And I am not a pawn."

"Oh, but you are," he insisted. "By making you a Leader he has you right where he wants you. He's put you in the spotlight, and now he he can force you to do anything so long as it's all in the name of Pack preservation. That includes forcing you to take the fall for his mistakes. And those mistakes could either conveniently prevent you from taking over... or they could simply get you killed."

"I'll admit I despise my grandfather-and probably more than you," I said in a low voice. "But one day I will take this Leadership from him. I just didn't plan on that happening soon. For now all I can do is make his job harder-not take it from him. Besides, I'm not eligible to become the Elder until I turn twenty-one. That's in less than three years-"

"Eldress, Naomi, you would become the Eldress. And I'm sorry but I can't wait three years. You've got to find a way to pull him out of the Leadership quicker. It doesn't matter who takes the seat for now, as long as it isn't Devila-she's his right hand. Jonathan Newport is a decent man, but he's too neutral to be wholly swayed to your side or your grandfather's. And Mathew Knight is only in in the Leadership for the job title - he's too self-absorbed to give Eldership duties serious consideration. That leaves us with Lucas-the surly, brooding bartender. He's the man for the job."

"But why? Why go through all this trouble for some seat on a Council?"

"For the sake of our survival, Vampires and Werewolves must join together. And that will never happen with your grandfather in control."

I glared at Tidus. I felt angry and used. "You're asking a lot. Are you expecting me to do this alone?"

"You won't have to. I'm not on the Council anymore but I still have my influence. I'll help you."

Suddenly, purified water with lemon wasn't cutting it. I hailed a waiter and ordered some gin.

How had I arrived here-floundering in a sea of thoughts and decisions I could drown in? And how much longer would I have the strength to just keep swimming just keep swimming before I gave in and got sucked beneath the waves?

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