Chapter Twenty-One, Part Three - What Is And Cannot Be

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 Not long after Ethan left, a throng of excited, chattering people gathered around a concealed stranger that had recently entered the room. I spotted Claudia a small distance away. She watched the crowd as well, nursing a glass of champagne that was dangerously low, a bored expression on her face. She caught my gaze and I sent her a small nod in invitation.

"I've been to so many of Johl's parties they're starting to lose their glitter," said Claudia. Her dress provided a stunning transformation. It was a cocktail gown in a vintage style–a short purple number with a heart-shaped bust and a thick, mustard0colored sash tied in a large bow in the back. Banana yellow pumps completed the look. She swept aside stray locks that had fallen from her untidy, yet elegant bun. Admittedly, I hadn't expected her to look so good in a dress. "Good thing they served alcohol, right?"

"Yeah, well, I haven't had a single glass," I said.

"You can thank one of Johl's crazy friends for that. He went postal on a server about a half hour ago. Olivia had to pull him off, so the other waiters got scared and left. Now there's no one here to serve the wine, and everyone else-- except for me--refuses to go to the kitchen to get it themselves. That's Vampires for you."

"Mmm," I agreed, realizing this was the first semi-friendly conversation Claudia and I had ever had. "Are Johl's parties always this exciting?"

"Usually. Though I think tonight is more about Johl showing off than entertaining." Claudia nodded towards the throng still gathered by the door. "That's Amelia Earhart in the center of that groupie mess. Johl likes to brag about how she performed the most successful disappearing act a Vampire has ever achieved."

"Amelia Earhart? A Vampire? Come on..." Claudia didn't reply, simply looked at me over the rim of her wine glass as she as she took another tiny sip. "Wow--you're serious."

"Well, when he's not insulting his family, or vandalizing rosebushes in the neighborhood, Johl's got to find some way to stay relevant. Oops--did I just say that part about rosebushes out loud?"

I grinned, immediately recalling Mrs. Planchon's claim that someone was cutting down her precious plants. "You don't like Johl much, do you?"

Claudia rolled her eyes in answer. "Ever since the Romaines got involved in my family's life, Johl's had it out for my sister. Personally, I think he's just jealous he isn't a Maker. He doesn't like Angel, and he likes me even less, so he just uses her to satisfy his frustrations."

"Then why are you here?"

She shrugged. "It's embarrassing to admit this but... I'm bored. Ever since Angel and I were banished from our clan, I'll find any reason to get out of the house."

"Well, the only reason I'm here is because I thought I was gonna get the chance to talk business with the Vampire Council--but that's not gonna happen. I have a feeling the only reason Johl asked me to come is so he could string me along. I just haven't figured out why."

"Night's still young--plenty of time left for him to crush your hopes and stomp on your dreams." She gave me a serious look. "I'd watch out for him if I were you. Johl's got a thing for pretty, unsuspecting girls. All the Romaines do..."

I sighed. "So I'm beginning to see... I'm gonna get some fresh air. I'll see you? Later tonight?" Claudia nodded, and I walked from the room. I skirted the crowd, catching a glimpse of Amelia's curly, brown hair on the way out.

Headed for the castle's entrance, I made my way from the party, so lost in my thoughts that I missed the sound of his footsteps and the scent of his cologne. It was his voice that dragged me to the present.

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