Chapter Nineteen, Part Three - Betrayals Of The Heart

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Claudia finished the potion and ladled it into a small, glass phial with a round cork for a stopper. Her instructions were for me to place a hair from Ethan's head inside the phial, and then give it to Eve to drink. Then Eve would forget her love, I would get the ring back, and almost all of my problems would be solved.

Now, Adelle walked towards me, crossing the lawn to my car, which idled quietly on the side of the road. Night had fallen long ago, and white stars gleamed between a thick haze of blue clouds. It was a gorgeous night, a scene built for a romance novel. I pulled my gaze from the sky, catching the knowing twinkle in Addy's eyes. "You're glowing," she said.

"Am I?" I touched my cheek. Werewolves ran naturally hot, like furnaces, but I was on fire.

"Mmm-hmm," she said. "Just like when I picked you up from the airport when you came back from New York. "What happened? What have you done?"

"Everything that needed to be done," I replied, smiling. "I cleared my name with, and I even have what I need to get Claudia's ring back.

"Correction, you almost have what you need to get the ring back." Addy held out her hand.

"So, how's everything going inside?" Addy dropped a strand of Ethan's hair hair in my palm. I removed the phial's stopper then dropped the hair inside the liquid, which immediately changed from red to black.

"Still out like a light. He's drooling. Kinda gross..."

"Thanks again for watching him. You and Collin saved my life today."

"Yeah, Collin is amazing like that..." Addy bit her lip in the tell-tale manner that indicated she had something on her mind. "Mimi, he reads the papers. This afternoon he showed me an article about a cult that's murdering people. I thought it about it, but I didn't tell him the truth--that it's really Witches. I'm trying so hard to protect him, to shield him from our world but... damnit I'm scared. I'm worried this crap is getting out of control."

"Addy." I placed a hand on my friend's arm. "It's almost over. The Hunters are taking care of it as we speak. Nothing bad will happen to Collin--I promise."

Yet Adelle's expression was still so grave and morose. It was like she was already in mourning for him. "But he's Human, Mimi. And they're all so... easily broken."

I smiled. "I know. That's what makes them so strong."

* * *

I pulled up to the quiet street by the empty bridge, scanning the area as I exited the car. There was no sign of either Eve or the Hunters. Checking my impatience, I walked onto the old, wooden bridge. Leaning over the edge, I peered into the dark, still waters of the stream. No fish jumped tonight, and no frogs were on their lilies. Come to think of it, I didn't hear any sounds from the forest either.

I beheld the trees at my left, but their branches were still as death, the dark green leaves already shriveling and losing their color. It was odd knowing the forest was mine, and that my home lay just on the other side. I had so much, yet I still felt so small at times. Thinking about love could do that to you.

"Hello gorgeous. I come bearing a gift," rang a sinfully sweet voice, clear like a bell. I looked into the water and saw Eve's reflection approaching from the far side of the bridge. I turned as she stopped a few paces away. She held up her hand, admiring the Countess' ring.

"And I have what you need as well." I brought the phial out of my jacket pocket and held it up. "The solution to your problem--though I doubt you're gonna like it..."

"Why not? What is it?"

"It's a potion with a little essence of Ethan. You drink it, you forget you're in love, and I get the ring back. Problem solved."

I tossed her the phial and she caught it deftly. She stared down at the cure in her hands, but when she looked up, it was with an expression far from what I'd expected. Where there should've been relief, there was only sadness.

"Forget that I love him?" She looked to the dark horizon, as if a better solution was somewhere out there.


"For-get? No. I-I can't do that."

"Eve, you don't have a choice." I restrained the urge to shake her and yell. "If you don't do this we will have one extremely pissed off Vampire on our hands. Either that, or you'll go mad, but most likely both."

Eve looked at the phial and then back to me. Her eyes had gone from unhappy to accusing. "You would like that wouldn't you? You get rid of me and then I'm just one less liability--one less problem on your list."

"What are you talking about? I'm trying to save you." I hissed. "This is your mess--I'm just trying to clean it up."

Eve inhaled, then shook her head. "I drink this and the love goes? That's it? Nothing else?"

I thought of what Eve had forced me into. I thought of the damage I had caused Ethan and his family. Then I thought of leaving Eve all to her love so she could somehow use it to cause more destruction and chaos. I knew that given another chance, she would only wreak more havoc until Ethan folded and went back to her--and that I just couldn't allow. So I didn't tell her the real truth--that there was a good chance she would most likely forget more than just her love for Ethan that night. If I didn't lie I knew she would never go for the potion.

"No nasty side effects, just a miracle drug to cure you of your sickness." My glare came with a smile. "Drink up."

"And what if I don't want it to go?" She dropped the phial at her side, causing it to bounce dangerously against the ground. "What if I like it the way it is?"

Finally losing my temper, I strode forward, scooped up the phial, and snatched her by the wrist. She made no move to stop me when I turned over her hand and slapped the phial into her palm.

"Then you'll like it even less when you lose a finger. For heavens' sake, Eve, wake up!" I shoved her hand away. "Don't let a man reduce you down to this. Ethan doesn't love you, but your life shouldn't stop because of that. You can't wait for him forever."

It was the oddest, yet most truthful pep talk I had ever given.

"But what if he forgets me?" Her voice was tiny, a shadow of a whisper, as a single tear rolled down her cheek. "What if, one day, he doesn't even remember?"

"You don't have to worry about that," I said quietly. "He hasn't gotten over his guilt for you, and he probably never will."

Eve wiped her face and chuckled.

"Yeah. Well, what more could a girl ask for, right?" She smiled bitterly, then slipped off the ring and chucked it at my feet. "See you on the other side..." Eve uncorked the phial and downed the contents, spluttering and coughing. In the meantime, I stooped to pick up the ring, then slipped it into my pocket.

Lightheaded, Eve stumbled in her heels. She caught herself on the bridge's rail, touching a hand to her temple. "Excuse me, Leader, but I'm a little confused..." she said, as I passed her on my way off the bridge. "Can you tell me how I got here?"

I smiled and shook my head. "Sorry--I have no idea. I'm just out for a late-night stroll..."

* * *

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