Chapter Eighteen, Part One - Burn Baby, Burn

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Ethan and I left The Bakery soon after our transactions were complete, each carrying a small bag leaden with Claudia's ingredients. My nose itched at the heady smells the herbs, and Ethan's eyes were red and watering. Of course we were happy to shut the trunk on the bags, but I was also optimistic about the adventure itself. Thanks to the Witches, I was one step closer to clearing my name of being responsible for Tidus' supposed 'future death'. Finally, things were starting to look up. 

"Thanks," I said as Ethan shut the trunk of the car. That's when I caught sight of the odd look on his face. "Hey. You ok?"

He stared at me, but suddenly it was like we were strangers and he didn't recognize me at all. He was here, but he wasn't with me. He was someplace else. "Mimi..." Ethan sagged against the trunk of the car, dazed. "I'm gonna have kids one day. And a wife. That's what she told me, that's what the Witch said... Do you like kids?"

"Don't even go there," I ordered. "There are no kids in my future, Ethan Tyler Knight."

"I didn't say that," he said, with an alarmingly eerie reverence. "I just asked if you like them, that's all."

"No, I don't like kids--though most kids have always liked me. I'd love yours though and I'd help raise them--if your future wife lets me. I could be Auntie Mimi." I jostled his shoulder with mine as I came to stand beside him. "I could babysit, and change diapers, and throw birthday parties. Hmm--I guess that means I'd have to learn how to cook..."

Ethan chuckled and gave a little half smile, then stared into the distance. "I didn't do anything with her, ya know?" he said finally. "She really did just read my palm. That was it."

I said nothing, but looked down at the ground and dug the heel of my boot into the dirt. I was relieved... and I hated that because it wasn't fair to him at all.

"You know what?" Ethan said, drawing me from my thoughts. "I was thinking, maybe there's more to what the triplets were saying about you back there."

"What do you mean?"

"Mimi, you're a Werewolf with an all-white coat, yet somehow you still manage to transform into this... incredible-looking girl. You also have a note warning you not to let anyone see you shift. I think someone knows what you are and is trying to protect you. You know, the night after we went to the morgue, I went home and practiced sending you emotions--just like you did for me in the elevator--and guess what? It didn't work. I couldn't figure it out."

"How do you know it didn't work?" I said, looking down at the ground again.

"Well, you didn't show up naked beneath a trench coat, so I just assumed I failed."


"I'm telling you, Naomi, there's more to your story. I know it." He straightened and raised his arms to the sky, stretching.

"Ethan, did the Witch say who you'll marry? Do you know your wife?"

Whoever she was she was a lucky girl and I knew she wouldn't deserve him. Once upon a time he was a complete asshole, and now he had a heart of gold. He cared for me so much and he always made it his mission to protect me, so it was hard not to be jealous of the girl who'd one day win his heart.

Ethan grinned. "I thought I did... turns out I don't," he said. "But I'm really gonna enjoy getting to know her."

* * *

Thirty minutes later, Ethan flopped unceremoniously onto the couch in my living room. Mrs. Trentley cast him her usual, disapproving glare before disappearing to fetch the alcohol cart.

Not long after our conversation, I diverted Ethan's attention with the prospect of a cozy afternoon matinee. It was such a normal, uncomplicated thing to do between friends, that I knew he wouldn't object. Even I had to admit the idea was appealing, and wanted to stay, though I knew I couldn't.

There were a few minutes of channel surfing performed beneath Ethan's strict directions, until he finally settled on some random, bloody thriller. Under the pretext of having to utilize the facilities, I slipped away and took shelter in my bathroom. After locking the door behind me and turning on all the taps, I pulled out my phone and dialed Eve's number.

"Hello?" She sounded tired, as if last night's sleep evaded her.

"Texting Ethan, are we?" I patted my hair in the mirror. "Uh-oh, I hope we're not getting cold feet--"

"I'm not backing out!" Eve snapped.

"Good, because you have a problem. And when I say you, I mean that it's absolutely one-hundred-percent your issue to deal with--not mine."

"Well, spit it out, cupcake."

"The ring's curse is in effect--I know you lied about being in love. So you should probably know that in order to break the curse, you have to be kissed by someone you love who also loves you. More specifically, that means it can't be your best friend. Or your mom." I didn't tell her that Ethan admitted he didn't love her. There would be no gain in causing her further, unnecessary pain–and believe it or not that wasn't my goal. Still, I was quickly losing both patience and pity.

"Well, that does present me with a slight problem..." said Eve.

"Hey, you stole the ring, remember? I didn't give it to you--which is why I'd like it back. Now."

"Naomi, believe me, I would love nothing more than to give you back your horrid little ring..."


"But, you strike me as a clever girl, which means you know the rules in a game like this. I take it you said yes to the Hunter's demands?"

"I wasn't left with much of a choice," I said, gripping the edge of the sink in my anger.

"I know, dear, and I am fully to blame--"

"Eve, cut your crap and get to the point--preferably this century."

"The point, sweetheart, is now I need something too--again. Sorry darling, but I need you to find me a way to break the curse. I mean really, I'm far too attractive to be going insane. I'd be just like Helena Bonham Carter in that one version of Hamlet--my looks would be completely wasted."

I gave a short, harsh laugh that surprised even myself. "Wow. You are so high maintenance, but I'm done playing your towel girl. I took care of Mathew like you wanted and I even found out how to break the curse for you. So you have until tonight to return the ring."

There was silence as we both deliberated, protected from one another by only our distance. However, in the animal kingdom we would've had no choice but to face each other–eye to eye, snarl to snarl. There would've been no debate, we would've settled this like real Wolves. But we couldn't. There was only us, now, in Human form, bantering on a telephone. We had to rely on our voices for a show of strength, and use our words as weapons.

"I could find other Hunters. Just because those particular three had bigger problems than a fugly hunk of rock to confiscate, that doesn't mean others wouldn't have a little free time on their hands..."

"But we had a deal," I said through gritted teeth.

"Original deal's off baby-cakes; there's a new contract on the table. Get me out of this curse, and you'll get your ring back--minus a bunch of Hunter's on that sweet little tail..."

"You know what, everyone's right--you are crazy."

"Oooh, burn. See you tonight, girly. Same place, but let's make it nine this time--a girl needs her beauty sleep."

I lowered the phone and stared at it, extremely close to screaming and smashing it to bits. But there were more numbers to dial and a record to set straight. I didn't have time to lose my cool now.

* * *

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