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Sophia’s POV

I couldn't help feeling a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance as I stood there, caught in the awkward aftermath of Lynda's departure. "Um, sorry for interrupting... whatever this is," I mumbled, my cheeks growing warmer.

Lynda flashed me a warm smile. "Oh, no need to apologize, dear. It's always nice to see you around again."

I nodded, trying to play it cool despite the tension in the room. "Yeah, it's been interesting getting used to UCLA and California."

Lynda's eyes twinkled with amusement, and I could sense that she had picked up on my attitude. She turned to Henry. "Well, I'll leave you two to your... whatever it is. Henry, hope to see you at dinner tonight."

As Lynda left, Henry and I were finally alone, and I couldn't help but address the elephant in the room. "I thought you said you guys are friends."

Henry's expression remained composed as he replied, "We are, Sophia. Can't I have dinner with a friend?"

I crossed my arms, trying to maintain a nonchalant demeanor. "Sure, you can. I didn't say you couldn't."

He raised an eyebrow, his tone a tad defensive. "Then why the attitude?"

I shrugged, trying to appear casual. "No attitude here. Just making conversation."

Henry let out a small sigh, seemingly unfazed by my demeanor. "Well, Lynda's a friend, and we were talking about the dinner tonight."

I arched an eyebrow. "Oh, the dinner that you weren't too excited about?"

He met my gaze, a hint of challenge in his eyes. "Yes, that one. And you're welcome to join if you want."

I smirked, feeling a little triumphant. "Thanks for the invitation, but I'll pass."

He seemed taken aback by my response. "Really? I thought you might be interested in socializing."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Don't worry about me, Henry. I'm perfectly capable of socializing on my own."

He chuckled, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I have no doubt about that."

I shifted my weight, feeling a mixture of irritation and curiosity. "So, do you have a thing for Lynda or something?"

Henry's laughter caught me off guard. "Oh, Sophia, you have quite the imagination."

I narrowed my eyes, not entirely convinced. "I'm just wondering. You seem close."

He shook his head, still chuckling. "Lynda and I have been friends for years. There's nothing more to it."

I nodded slowly, deciding to drop the topic. "Okay, if you say so."

He smiled, his gaze lingering on me. "Is there a reason you stopped by my workplace?"

I shrugged, feeling a bit self-conscious. "Just wanted to see how you were doing and maybe have dinner together."

He glanced at his watch, his tone apologetic. "I appreciate the thought, but I actually have plans already."

I forced a smile, trying to mask my disappointment. "No problem, I understand."

As I turned to leave Henry's office, a mischievous thought crossed my mind. "Well, since I won't be having dinner with you, I guess I'll go have it with Jason," I said casually, watching for any change in his expression.

For a brief moment, I saw something flicker in his eyes, but he quickly masked it with a neutral expression. "That's up to you," he replied, his tone carefully controlled.

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