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I slumped in the cafeteria seat, absentmindedly pushing my food around the plate. Jannette, ever perceptive, raised an eyebrow at my distracted state.

"Sophia, spill it. What's going on in that head of yours?" she asked, her tone a blend of curiosity and concern.

I sighed, debating whether to dive into the intricacies of my tangled mess with Henry. But Jannette was my confidante, my partner in navigating the stormy seas of high school drama, so I decided to let her in.

"You know Henry, right?" I began, my eyes fixed on the lunch tray.

Jannette nodded. "Yeah, the older guy you've been seeing. The silver fox."

I managed a half-smile at her choice of words. "Yeah, that's him. Henry. He's... well, complicated."

"Complicated how?" Jannette leaned in, genuinely intrigued.

I took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "He's almost twenty years older than me, for starters. And that brings its own set of challenges."

Jannette raised an eyebrow. "Twenty years? Seriously? That's, like, a whole lifetime of music and movies."

I chuckled, grateful for her attempt to lighten the mood. "Yeah, something like that. But it's not just the age gap. It's the fact that he's my dad's best friend. The whole situation is a mess."

Jannette's eyes widened. "Wait, what? Your dad's best friend? That's... complicated."

I nodded, a heavy weight settling in my chest. "You have no idea. Henry is great, but he's so insecure about the age difference. And he's worried about what people will say, especially considering his friendship with my dad."

Jannette leaned back, processing the information. "I can see how that would be a challenge. Have you guys talked about it?"

"Talked? More like argued, stormed off, and then talked again," I admitted with a wry smile. "He gets so in his head about it. Thinks I'll wake up one day and realize I should be with someone my age."

Jannette shook her head in disbelief. "Come on, Sophia. Age is just a number. If you guys are happy, that's what matters, right?"

I sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. "I know, I know. But convincing Henry of that is a whole different story. And then there's Jason stirring up trouble. Sent a picture of me with another guy to Henry. Ugh, it's a mess."

"Jason? Seriously, that guy needs to find a hobby that doesn't involve ruining people's lives," Jannette remarked, her expression one of annoyance.

"Tell me about it," I said, rubbing my temples. "I just want things to be simple. Why does it have to be so complicated?"

Jannette reached across the table, placing a comforting hand on mine. "Sophia, life is messy. Relationships are messy. But if you care about each other, you'll find a way through the mess. And I'm here to help you mop it up."

I managed a small smile, grateful for her support. "Thanks, Jannette. I appreciate it. Now, let's figure out how to navigate this mess without sinking the ship."

She grinned, ever the optimist. "We got this, Captain. Full speed ahead."

I sat across from Jannette, swirling my spoon in the half-melted ice cream. The weight of my recent encounter with Jason hung heavy in the air.

"So, spill it, Sophia. What's going on?" Jannette prodded, her eyes keenly focused on mine.

I took a deep breath, deciding to lay it all out. "Jason's crossed the line, Jannette. He took a picture of me when I was out with Lucas, that new guy from Starbucks, and sent it to Henry."

Daddy's Best Friend Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora