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I just wanted to get through the day without any unnecessary drama. My driver dropped me off at school, and I resolved to avoid any confrontations. But, of course, life had other plans, and drama found me in the school parking lot in the form of Molly.

She marched over to me with a look of fiery determination that matched her flaming red hair. I was so tired of all this drama, all these misunderstandings. I sighed, not in the mood for a confrontation.

"Molly, can we please not do this?" I implored, my voice carrying the weariness of someone who had been through too much lately.

Her eyes blazed with anger as she retorted, "Why didn't you think about avoiding drama before you messed with my man?"

I rolled my eyes, exasperation bubbling up. "Molly, I didn't mess with your man. I told you, Jason and I are just friends."

But Molly wasn't having any of it. She was in full-on argument mode, and there was no stopping her. She stepped closer, her finger poking me in the chest as she hissed, "Don't play innocent with me. I saw the way he looked at you. You're trying to steal him away."

I took a step back, raising my hands in a futile attempt to diffuse the situation. "Molly, you're overreacting. Jason and I are just friends, and I have no intention of stealing him away from you. I respect your relationship."

She crossed her arms, glaring at me with skepticism. "Respect my relationship? More like trying to worm your way into it."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to calm the frustration brewing inside me. "Molly, I have no romantic interest in Jason. Can you please just trust me on this?"

But trust seemed to be in short supply that day. Molly's face contorted with anger, and she snapped, "If he's just your friend, then why do you spend so much time with him?"

I sighed, feeling like I was talking to a brick wall. "We're friends because we have common interests and get along well. It's not that complicated."

Molly seemed unconvinced and launched into another tirade about how I was trying to steal her boyfriend. I couldn't take it anymore. The fatigue, the hangover, the argument with Henry, and now this confrontation with Molly—it was all too much.

I turned on my heel, deciding I had had enough drama for one day. "I'm done with this, Molly. I don't need this drama in my life."

I started walking away from her, trying to put as much distance between us as possible. I didn't want to engage in a pointless argument, especially not today.

As I walked away, I couldn't help but think about how exhausting it was to constantly defend myself against accusations I knew were baseless. Sometimes, it felt like no matter what I did, drama had a way of finding me.

I was finding it hard to concentrate in class, my mind swirling with thoughts about Henry and the unnecessary drama that seemed to follow me around like a dark cloud. But just as I was about to make my escape from the classroom, a girl I hadn't seen before approached me. She introduced herself as Jennette, her bright smile contrasting with the gloomy cloud that seemed to hang over me.

"Hey, you're Sophia, right?" she asked cheerfully.

I mustered a weak smile and nodded. "Yeah, that's me."

Jennette leaned in slightly, her voice lowered as if she was about to share a secret. "I couldn't help but notice that you don't seem to have many friends around here. You're always with Jason."

I chuckled, grateful for her attempt to engage in conversation rather than accusing me of trying to steal someone's boyfriend. "Oh, Jason? He's just my course advisor. We're not that close."

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