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I woke up with a heavy heart, the remnants of last night's argument with Henry lingering in the air. The silence in the room echoed my sadness, and I knew I needed someone to talk to, someone who could lend a sympathetic ear. So, I grabbed my phone and dialed Kylie's number.

"Hello?" Kylie's cheerful voice greeted me from the other end.

"Hey, Kylie," I replied, my own voice a bit shaky.

"Soph! What's up? You sound like you've been through a tornado. Everything okay?" Kylie's concern was palpable, even through the phone.

I sighed, contemplating where to start. "It's Henry. We had a massive fight last night, and I don't know what to do."

Silence followed, and then Kylie's voice came through, a mix of empathy and curiosity. "Oh no, spill the tea, girl. What happened?"

So, I began recounting the heated exchange, the accusations, the hurtful words, and the lingering doubt that threatened to unravel what we had. Kylie listened attentively, interjecting with gasps or words of encouragement.

"No way! He said that?" Kylie exclaimed after one particularly cutting remark from Henry.

"Yeah, it was brutal. I just don't get why he's so hung up on the age thing," I muttered, frustration seeping into my voice.

"Men can be idiots sometimes," Kylie chimed in, her solidarity comforting.

"That's true," I agreed, a hint of a smile breaking through. "But seriously, it's like he doesn't see beyond the number."

"He's probably just scared, Soph. You know, commitment issues or something," Kylie offered her analysis.

"But we've been through so much together. Why would he doubt us now?" I wondered aloud.

"He's a guy, Soph. They get weird about stuff. It's like they have a commitment phobia or something," Kylie reiterated.

"I just wish he'd see that I'm not interested in younger guys or whatever. I chose him for who he is," I sighed, feeling the weight of the situation.

"Have you talked to him since the argument?" Kylie asked, her voice gentle.

"No, not yet. It's like this massive wall of awkwardness is between us," I admitted.

"You've got to break that wall, Soph. Communication is key, you know? Maybe he just needs time to cool off," Kylie suggested.

"But what if it's more than that? What if he's really considering a break or something?" The fear crept into my words.

"Soph, you can't jump to conclusions. You need to talk to him, see where he's at. And if he's being an idiot, kick his butt and remind him what he's about to lose," Kylie encouraged, injecting a bit of humor into her advice.

I chuckled despite the heaviness in my heart. "You're right, Kylie. I'll talk to him. Hopefully, we can sort this out."

"Absolutely! And remember, I'm here for you no matter what. Now, go fix things with your man!" Kylie's pep talk lifted my spirits, and I felt a renewed determination to face whatever awaited me on the other side of the conversation with Henry.

"Thanks, Kylie. You're the best. I'll keep you posted," I said.

I continued pouring my heart out to Kylie about the tumultuous relationship rollercoaster with Henry, a sudden realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

"You know, Ky, I've been yakking about my dramas, but what about you and Jamie? How's that going?" I asked, guilt tinging my voice.

Kylie hesitated for a moment before responding, "Uh, it's... it's okay, I guess."

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