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I strolled into the school courtyard, Jannette was there, looking like the epitome of curiosity. Her eyes practically sparkled with questions, and I couldn't help but smile at her inquisitive expression.

Jannette nudged me playfully, "Spill the beans, Sophia! How did your grand plan to win Henry's forgiveness unfold?"

I chuckled, "Oh, it was both nerve-wracking and exhilarating. Picture this – a dimly lit room, candles flickering, soft music in the background."

Jannette's eyes widened, "Wait, you set up a whole romantic scene? Sophia, you're turning into a regular romance novel protagonist!"

I rolled my eyes, "Well, Henry deserves a little drama now and then. Anyway, he walks in, sees the setup, and his expression... priceless. For a moment, I thought I'd accidentally transported us into a cheesy romance movie."

Jannette laughed, "And then what happened?"

I grinned, "He kissed me – not a cliché movie kiss, mind you, but a genuine, 'I forgive you' kind of kiss. It was sweet and unexpected."

She wiggled her eyebrows, "Spicy! I bet that made up for any lingering awkwardness."

I nodded, "It did, and we talked. About us, about work, about how some guys in the office can't understand the meaning of 'professionalism.'"

Jannette leaned in, intrigued, "Spill the office tea, Sophia! Who's causing a stir now?"

I sighed, "It's Jake, that intern. He thought it was a good idea to harass me, and Henry ended up throwing punches to defend my honor."

Jannette's eyes widened, "Punches? Sophia, your life is turning into a soap opera."

I chuckled, "Tell me about it. Anyway, it all got sorted, but I never expected office drama to escalate like this."

Jannette shook her head, "Well, you always manage to keep things interesting. Now, spill more about this romantic setup. Did Henry appreciate the effort?"

I grinned, "He did. Henry's not one for over-the-top romantic gestures, but he appreciated the sentiment. We talked about how some men make the office space toxic for women, and he was genuinely angry about it."

Jannette nodded in agreement, "Good on him for standing up against workplace harassment. And good on you for planning a romantic intervention!"

I laughed, "It was a wild ride, but hey, it worked. Henry and I are back to being our usual goofy selves."

Jannette raised an eyebrow, "Goofy, huh? I want to witness this 'goofy' side of Henry sometime."

I winked, "You might just get the chance. Speaking of which, he suggested we take a short trip during Thanksgiving instead of having guests over. I might have coerced him into it with a well-timed kiss."

Jannette grinned, "Well played, Sophia. You're turning into a master negotiator."

As Jannette and I continued our laughter-filled banter, the atmosphere shifted abruptly. I felt a presence, a shadow casting a chill over our light-hearted moment. Turning around, there he was – Jason.

I narrowed my eyes, "What do you want, Jason?"

He approached tentatively, almost as if he expected me to explode at any moment. Well, he wasn't wrong about that part.

"Look, Sophia, I know I messed up," he began, his tone carrying an unfamiliar sincerity. "I shouldn't have sent that photo to Henry, and I'm sorry."

I scoffed, "Sorry doesn't undo the damage, Jason. You hurt me, and you hurt my relationship."

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