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Hua Mi has completely wiped out the huge momentum.

  Hua Mi hesitated whether to tell the truth to Zhou Cheng, so everyone could just put up a symbolic resistance.

  There is no need to actually sacrifice people's lives for an empty supply depot.

  What she said was to save lives on the garrison side.

  While Zhou Cheng and Hua Mi were talking, the little secretary who didn't know what was going on rushed out.

  She glared at Zhou Cheng and walked to Hua Mi's side, "Ah Mi, what's wrong?"

  Before Hua Mi could answer her, Zhou Cheng stepped forward and looked at Shi Caixia with a smile, "We don't have much time.  I'll send you in."

  He dropped the word "we" and automatically excluded Hua Mi.

  Well, Hua Mi stood aside knowingly and looked at Zhou Cheng and Shi Caixia.

  As a result, Zhou Cheng still thought she was an eyesore, so he winked at her and asked her to leave first.

  Hua Mi pointed to her nose in astonishment, her?

Seeing Zhou Cheng's disgusted look, Hua Mi didn't react for a moment. Did Zhou Cheng dislike her for being too close to them?

 So Hua Mi took two steps back.

  Zhou Cheng raised his hand, turned his back to her, and made a driving gesture.

  She understand, Hua Mi's standing here has seriously affected Zhou Cheng's performance. Hua Mi is also very good. She nodded and turned around to go to the material warehouse.

Just waiting for Hua Mi to leave, Zhou Cheng immediately showed his big white teeth at Shi Caixia, shook his head and shook his non-existent hair,"Xia Xia~... Listen to my explanation, I have my own reasons."

  Hua Mi at the door of the material warehouse looked back and saw that Shi Caixia was beating Zhou Cheng violently.

  Now, what did Zhou Cheng say to Shi Caixia?

 Well, Hua Mi has nothing to do with young people's affairs and doesn't understand them either.

  She looked around, and saw that the weather was now much better than the day and night darkness a while ago.

  If you wear the goggles produced in her level 16 factory, your visibility will be clearer.

  Considering that this material warehouse is already empty, such a good and solid material warehouse cannot be wasted.

  After Hua Mi entered the empty material warehouse, she filled the huge material warehouse with a large amount of cement produced in a level 16 factory.

  If Qin Zhen wants to build more villas, cement is an essential building material.

  Anyway, cement is a material that can be produced in unlimited quantities in level 16 factories. Hua Mi can fill it with whatever she has in her warehouse.

  Outside the warehouse, He Xinghui watched helplessly as Hua Mi entered the material warehouse. There were mountains and seas of materials inside the small crack in the door.

  And these supplies will be theirs immediately.

  Then, He Xinghui looked at Zhou Cheng helplessly and carefully sent the angry Shi Caixia to the material warehouse.

  The way he nodded and bowed made He Xinghui wonder, did Shi Caixia have a very special status?

  He Xinghui rushed forward and stretched out his arms to block Zhou Cheng and Shi Caixia.

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