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  Mr. Bao and Huo Jing came to D city fully armed.

  They sat in the car and looked at the zombies wandering around outside the teleportation point.

  "What should I do?"

  Mr. Bao held up the iron-welded helmet on his armrest and looked at Huo Jing, who was also wearing an iron-welded helmet, with confusion.

  They brought a large truck to transport. In the bed of the truck were rolls of barbed wire.

  Huo Jing gritted his teeth. Because his face was covered by the helmet, his voice was muffled, but you could still hear the meaning of gritting his teeth.

 "Rush over!"

  After saying that, he stepped on the accelerator and faced the zombies who rushed over.

  This was a good idea. At least Huo Jing and the contractor reached the temporary safety zone safely.

  A lot of zombies were crushed along the way.

 After a day, many survivors had gathered outside the temporary safety zone.

  Most of them were rescued from the garrison.

  There are also some who ran away from the zombie crisis in D City on their own.

  These are the lucky ones who are extremely lucky. As soon as they throw themselves outside the safe zone, they burst into tears.

  Ni Shuiwen also survived covered in blood.

  He and a few men sat in the snow, looking confused.

  With the intervention of the garrison, more and more zombies died, and more and more survivors became available.

  The situation was gradually brought under control.

  People kept trying to enter the safe zone and go back to Xiangcheng, but Hua Mi and Shi Caixia and Dafu and Xiaofu beat them back.

  They watched the contractor and Huo Jing drag the electric grid from the truck and prepare to pull up the barbed wire around this circle.

  Someone said angrily, "The garrison didn't say anything, why is a big-bellied woman not allowing us to go back to Xiangcheng?"

 " Could it be that they want to steal our supplies?"

"Is this taking advantage of the situation or taking advantage and putting us in a dangerous situation, what does she want to do?"

  Amidst the complaints, Hua Mi looked around and saw a group of survivors lying or sitting in front of them.

  Someone approached Ni Shuiwen under the moonlight, "Captain, don't you have to say something?"

  Ni Shuiwen stood up unsteadily and negotiated with Hua Mi on behalf of all the survivors, "It's been so long, and you can't   return our supplies and won't let us return to Xiangcheng. We will really die here."

  Hua Mi looked at Ni Shuiwen, who was looking angry, and asked, " Where is your wife Guo Se?"

The man was stunned. He had not thought of Guo Se until now after escaping from death.

  Immediately, Ni Shuiwen frowned and said to Hua Mi, "What we are talking about now is another matter. You have been guarding us for so long. Now we want to get our own supplies back, can we?"

  He knew that Hua Mi is awesome, now that they are tired, cold and have no money, no one wants to confront Hua Mi head-on.

  The strange thing is, how did this pregnant woman with such a big belly persist and fight against them all day?

 Hua Mi continued to ask,
  "Your wife might still be alive, why don't you go and save her?"

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