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  Chen Hu said, looking at Qu Shiheng carefully.

  He raised his hand and patted Qu Shiheng's shoulder, "You have to understand that the woman who has a grudge against you has always been Hua Mi, not Gong Yi. You have to make this clear."

  "I believe you are. A smart person, I believe Gong Yi is also a smart person."

  Under the premise that everyone is a smart person, Gong Yi is still a garrison, and the garrison's bounden duty is to protect the last bottom line of mankind.

  When he protects the Xiangcheng base, he is protecting it. If the Xiangcheng base is destroyed, then when he protects the E city base, isn't it also the same as protecting it?

 "Think about this carefully."

  Chen Hu, who had a big picture, smiled and did some ideological work for Qu Shiheng.

  Qu Shiheng said nothing, his eyes were lost in thought.

  He have to say that Chen Hu's words are very tempting.

  Yes, guarding the Xiangcheng base is guarding, and guarding the E city base is also guarding, isn't it?

 Gong Yi is on the garrison. As long as there are survivors, he should devote himself to the survivors and die.

  What neither Qu Shiheng nor Chen Hu noticed was that at the same time they were saying this.

  Outside the tent, Qu Yimin eavesdropped on the conversation between the two with a flushed face.

  The girl who had reached the marriageable age turned her head shyly and ran back to her tent.

  As soon as she entered her tent, she threw herself on the bed, buried her red face in the bed, and kicked her feet desperately.

  What should she do? It's not a bad thing, but when she think of her future husband, it's Gong Yi from the Xiangcheng base.

  Qu Yimin, who had never seen what Gong Yi looked like, was secretly attracted to him.

  What girl doesn't admire heroes?

  For a long time, Gong Yi at the Xiangcheng base has almost become a myth in the hearts of the survivors.

  Although there is not much information about how Gong Yi manages the Xiangcheng base, Gong Yi is the garrison commander of the Xiangcheng base.

  The fact that he can chase Chen Hu around is a manifestation of his ability.

  If Qu Yimin can really marry Gong Yi, that wouldn't be a bad thing.

  The girl keeps thinking about it and her heart is moving.

  After a few hours, she didn't know how many romantic plots she had performed in her heart.

  In the end, when Qu Yimin walked out of her tent, she really felt that the only person in the world who could match her was Gong Yi.

  Only a wealthy lady like her can be worthy of a hero like Gong Yi.

  At this time, Qu Yimin met Hu Yanxiang who came to show his courtesy.

  Hu Yanxiang held a box of cakes in his hand. He walked happily to Qu Yimin and handed the newly obtained cake to Qu Yimin, " Here, this is found from the survivors who just came to E City. Miss Qu Yimin , I'll give it to you."

  Hu Yanxiang said, his lewd eyes falling lightly on Qu Yimin's breasts.

  Qu Yimin felt extremely disgusted with Hu Yanxiang. She raised her hand, knocked the cake in Hu Yanxiang's hand with a "snap", and said coldly, "What kind of disgusting person has been carrying the cake for several days, and then you also delivers it  in front of me?"

Rebirth: IHDSP 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora