"eat me, bite me"

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excuse any errors..

mignights like this always have my adrenaline rushing through my veins, wanting to feel the satisfaction of watching a vampire become lifeless before me. it's such a bizarre feeling, sadly, not many get the chance to experience.

securing my back pack's straps on my shoulders tighter, I clutched them in my fists, puffing a breath of air out of my nose, as I passed house by house, the old street lights flickering in the sky.

in missions like this, I always tend to become a tad bit more paranoid than I normally am, my head turning with every suspicious sound my ears pick on from my sides and behind my back.

orange-ish tree leaves flew up in the pitch dark sky, a scenery I knew all too well, and a feeling of rush; excitement sweeping me off my feet, eyes big and awake, ready for yet another challenge I knew I would win in.

pushing my cold hand in my front pocket, I grabbed my phone, glancing at the screen as I made sure the house I was approaching was the right one.

nodding my head, I pushed it back inside, as I whipped my stake out of my belt, clutching it tightly in my hand, and making small steps towards the entrance of the house, cautiousness evident behind each step.

the wooden door was broken in two pieces, a small part holding it in place, as the strong wind came onto it with great force, the door closing and reopening a couple of times.

I flinched at the thuds each time it would hit the wall, forcing it open with my knee, as I stepped into the surprisingly warm house, the wooden floor yelping a creak as my feet would step on it.

"ou, a visitor! how lovely" a deep female voice, exclaimed, making me turn my head in seconds, looking to the side were the living room area was located.

i squinted my eyes, whooping my stake in the air, and getting nothing in return, but a sweep of air and a faint giggled filling the silence.

"come out" I grunted, fixing my posture and gripping tighter the weapon in my hand.

"mmh, angry much?" there was a sarcastic tone in her silky voice, I could feel it smiling almost.

"boo" a voice whispered in my right ear, a gasp leaving my lips, as I repeated my actions from moments ago, reaching to defend myself.

"that's all you got, baby?" I felt her warm breath tingling my left ear now, as a sweet, woody scent filled my senses, relaxing my brain and making me feel at ease..?

just as I was about to open my mouth, I felt fingers trailing up the arm I was holding my stake with, as I wasted no time in gripping her hand, and pushing her up a wall.

she gasped, my hand putting pressure on her neck, slightly choking her, but since I was inches away from her face, I observed.

her piercing, bloodshot red eyes were lightly hooded, small wrinkles decorating the area of her undereye, as well as her brows pressed together at the suffocating she was experiencing.

her button nose had a natural glow on the tip of it, as the shimmer on the bridge completed the look and form of a small exclamation point. her freckle filled cheeks had a rosy colour filling them, as my eyes trailed down to her plump lips, eyelashes batting at the sight.

a smirk formed on her mouth, my eyes quickly shooting up to gaze into hers. remembering the reason I came here, I choked her harder, applying slight pressure with my weapon on her heaving chest.

"harder" she breathed out, throwing her head back, granting me more access on her neck.

I shook the nasty thoughts to the back of my head, groaning as I felt my heartbeat picking up.

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