"neighbor - buddies activities"

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this is a part 2 of "helping the neighbor" !

"I was dying from laughter at that exact moment" i cackled, falling back on the floor, as i was sitting crisscrossed opposite sided to billie.

"He proceeded to leave the women's bathroom, but he stumbled back falling down on his ass" i wiped a few tears that had fallen down my face, giggling at the funny memory.

"and he was red as a tomato, fuck!" i added, kicking my feet in the air.

a very much dying billie laughed, shaking her head side to side, taking deep breaths trying to regain herself, as the low messy ponytail winged, a few strands of hair decorating her face beautifully.

our laughter eventually died down, as i reminded myself of the delicious, chocolate chip cookies baking inside the oven, making my apartment smell yummy.

"oh shit, billie! i forgot about the cookies" i exclaimed, jumping up and jogging my way to my neat kitchen, as i heard small footsteps following close behind me.

"they need another 5 minutes or so" i mumbled, opening the oven and taking a good look at the halfway done cookies inside.

leaving the potholders to the side on my counter tops, i felt strong hands wrapping around my waist from behind, and her jaw sitting on my shoulder, without putting pressure.

"we should make hot chocolates!" she excitedly exclaimed, jumping on her feet once, giving me that big, full smile i love, grills shining and all.

i nodded my head at her acting like a toddler ready to enter a candy shop, as she got the halloween decorated cups out of the wooden cabinet.

"i make the bombest, most toe curling hot chocolate ever" she proudly said, mixing the powder in the cup with such passion and carefulness.

i cackled at her dumbass, as she turned her head to look at me confused, brows all scrunched up.

"nothing. all good, do your thing baby" i smiled, trying my hardest to hold my laugh in, miserably failing in doing so. billies stupid self didn't catch on luckily, returning back to getting the hot chocolates ready, as she bopped her head at the music faintly playing from the speakers.

'Let me get it started, yeah, round one, fight (fight). round two, ice. round three, bye.'

"that's my shit" she dragged out holding her crotch as she continued on bopping her head to the song, taking a sip from the chocolate and hissing as it was still steaming hot.

"you fucking idiot" i laughed, setting mine to the side and letting it cool off, as i kept an eye on my cookies.

after a few minutes, i went to take a small sip, before being bruttaly stopped by billie, her ring covered fingers holding my wrist.

"marshmallows!" her eyes widened in realization, quickly getting them out and hurrying to spill some on the top of both of our cups.

i glared at her, smacking the back of her head before placing both of my hands around the cup, as warmth was radiating off of it, making me curl my body in coziness.

her lips turned into a thin line, her head laying low before moving her shoulders to the other song now playing.

shaking my head, i took the tray out of the oven, before turning it completely off and placing the cookies on top of the counter staring proudly down on them.

"yo, i got the fattest ass" billie loudly said from inside the living room area.

when does this girl shut the fuck up, seriously.

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