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A Week Later

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The pregnancy is all the world can talk about, along with the wedding. It's so talked about, my awkward interview before the announcement was swept under the carpet by the public. They think I'm funny, and down to earth. A few talk shows have mentioned how relatable I am to the public, and that's why they love me and think I'll be an excellent princess. They've started calling me The People's Princess because of how normal I am and how much they love it about me.

"Look, Seahorse—"

I scoff. "Will you stop calling me that!"

Patrick grins. "Never!"

"I can't believe they're holding a ball for your birthday!" Annie sings as she dances around the drawing room in our cottage with my dad. Kai invited them to stay for a couple of nights to celebrate my birthday, but couldn't get them an invite tonight. They're still here until tomorrow afternoon, though.

Patrick and I exchange a glance with a silent laugh at the sight of them dancing.

"The ball isn't for my birthday. Well, it is, but it's celebrating both my birthday, the king's, and our engagement and the baby. Kinda like an all-in-one thing." I fix my earrings in properly. "There'll be all the royal family, the Prime Minister, a few ministers in high places, some Lords and Ladies, and of course, some rich aristocrats."

"I didn't even know balls were a thing anymore," Patrick admits.

I shrug. "The more you know!"

He holds up his phone almost in my face. "As I was saying... this article; the people love you. The People's Princess despite not even being married yet. Your down-to-earth nature with people is what charms them to you. They think you'll be amazing for the royal family and give them a bridge between the family and the people. You know, like you know, what it's like to be normal versus privileged. They're all excited about you and the baby as well. Apparently, your fashion choices coming from a mix of high street clothing as well as designer are making people excited."

The article says that, and it fills my heart with a burst of pride. In the past few weeks since I've been doing engagements, I've noticed my confidence soaring, and though I'm still awkward and stupid, I've been enjoyingthe work.

"This might be, you know—" Annie whispers the last bits to mean fake. "—but you're doing amazing, sweetheart."

"Thanks, Mum," I say and stand up to show them my dress. "Do I look okay? I'm trying to get to grips with these royal fashion rules. Tights always, nude coloured nails, no tiaras until I'm married, chest must be covered but I can show my shoulders, only hats during the days and every skirt must hit the knee – or just an inch above."

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