Chapter 4

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"That's why I tracked you down, but the moment I sent someone, you vanished, forcing me to search the North and East for two months," Kaizen stated with an undertone of frustration.

Astelle realized that he seemed irritated by her attempts to avoid being found.

Collecting her thoughts, Astelle recognized that the situation wasn't as dire as she initially believed. In reality, all she needed to do was travel to the capital, sign a consent form in the presence of judges and priests, and put an end to this ordeal. She needed to remain pragmatic and clear-headed.

"I apologize for my actions. I believed it was an order from my father, which frightened me," she explained.

Kaizen responded with biting sarcasm, "Afraid of your father's orders? Your father, the Empire's last remaining Duke, claimed he didn't even know whether his daughter was alive or dead."

The implications of her father's diminished status were not lost on Astelle. Many great noble dukes had lost their titles in the past six years, leaving Duke Reston as the sole surviving duke in the empire. Once a powerful and trusted figure, her father's influence had waned.

Astelle had hoped that her father could maintain a semblance of safety amidst these turbulent times. Stories of noble families losing their titles, facing imprisonment, or even execution for treason haunted her thoughts. If Duke Reston had discovered Theor's existence, it could have brought further trouble and danger to both of them.

Kaizen let out a brief sigh in response to Astelle's explanation, leaving the complexities of their situation unspoken.

Astelle sensed the unspoken sentiment. Their once-close relationship was now irreparably shattered.

After a moment of silence, Astelle made a straightforward declaration, "I will comply with Your Majesty's instructions."

She understood that she had no real choice in the matter. The emperor himself had sought her out, and she recognized the futility of further resistance. Her priority was to bring this conversation to a swift conclusion and distance herself from this man.

"I also have conditions," Astelle declared, determined to assert herself.

Kaizen had anticipated this moment and asked, "What are your conditions?"

Astelle didn't hesitate to express her demands. "Please reinstate my maternal grandfather's pension."

Her maternal grandfather, Marquis Carlenberg, had suffered greatly under the reign of Kaizen's grandfather and had lost his estate due to his involvement in a rebellion. After Kaizen ascended to the throne, her grandfather's pension had been revoked.

As a result, her maternal grandfather had been living in relative poverty in a small estate on the eastern outskirts of the empire. Astelle had been supporting him with the money she earned from embroidery and herb cultivation.

Kaizen readily agreed to her request. "I'll take care of that immediately."

Astelle then presented her second condition, "And please allow us to leave once the matter of the empress dowager's will is resolved."

Kaizen, however, wasn't as accommodating with this request. He proposed offering her a residence in the capital and providing her with a small estate to live comfortably.

Astelle firmly declined, insisting, "No, we don't need any of that. Just let us go."

She feared that accepting his offer would mean continued contact with him, especially staying in the capital, which was something she desperately wanted to avoid.

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