Chapter 45

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The Croychens, although affluent, lacked the extensive territories and long-standing lineage typically associated with prestigious noble families. Even if they established a network in the capital over the next century, they wouldn't be considered a prestigious lineage.

No one could have predicted that the second daughter of such a family would emerge as a candidate for empress. Such an outcome was unimaginable unless there were significant changes within the empire, particularly after Kaizen ascended to the throne and expelled the prominent nobles.

Florin openly admitted, "After that, I became more cautious. So, when I heard about Lady Astelle, I felt the need to see you for myself."

Astelle acknowledged, "You are meticulous."

How could a young woman, barely reaching adulthood, possess such thoughts?

Astelle believed that with time and more experiences, Florin had the potential to become an excellent empress.

Florin smiled as she gazed at Astelle. "Actually, I've heard numerous tales of Lady Astelle since I was very young. Back then, you were considered the epitome of nobility in the capital. It wasn't just your status, but every aspect of you."

For a fleeting moment, a spark of human vitality flickered in Florin's impassive purple eyes before vanishing. "When I was young, I aspired to be a woman of grace, much like you, Lady Astelle. That's not a fabrication."

Astelle felt a hint of embarrassment for the first time. "You're exaggerating."

"But you can be assured, His Majesty harbors no affection for me."

Florin's eyes brightening with curiosity. "Lady Astelle, do you understand His Majesty well?"

"Yes, I understand his sentiments. It wasn't love, merely curiosity and guilt," Astelle clarified.

Kaizen's care for Astelle often got misconstrued as love by others, but Astelle knew better. She believed Kaizen had never been in love.

'He doesn't understand what love truly is.'

To her, it was akin to a wealthy merchant who mistook grapes for Lintail fruit, a story she once read to Theor. The merchant, unfamiliar with Lintail fruit, happily believed he was eating it when in fact, it was just grapes.

Astelle realized that if she were naive, she might have spent her life believing Kaizen's feelings were genuine love. However, even if it had been real love and not an illusion, she despised it now.

Florin accepted Astelle's explanation, chuckling like a contented cat. This triggered a surge of anxiety within Astelle, fearing that this seemingly innocuous girl could turn into a formidable enemy if she discovered Theor's existence.


The Marchioness remained furious until the very end, longing to return to her pavilion. However, etiquette dictated that she couldn't leave the ongoing tea party before its conclusion, especially given that the emperor was present. With Vellian, the host, still absent, she couldn't even request to depart.

Resigned to the situation, she opted to head back to the tea room, finding it more bearable than sharing space with Astelle.

As she approached, she spotted someone inside.

A young maid.

Astelle's maid, to be precise. The brown-haired maid was handling the Marchioness' teacup.

Two other maids were also present, but one was preoccupied arranging a three-tiered tray by the wall, while the other focused on rearranging vases near the window. Neither of them seemed aware of what Astelle's maid was up to.

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