Chapter 54

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Astelle held Theor close, gently patting his back to soothe him.

"It's okay, Theor. You're safe," she reassured him in a soft voice, aiming to ease his fear.

'Assassins are targeting Vellian and my grandfather,' Astelle realized, understanding the gravity of the situation. They were likely trying to eliminate any potential witnesses.

'If I make a wrong move, it could put Theor and Grandpa in danger,' she realized with a shiver. The mere thought of it was frightening. Astelle embraced Theor tighter.

Her grandfather, standing near the fire, approached her with concern etched on his face.

"Astelle, are you alright?" he asked, worry tainting his voice.

Astelle scanned her grandfather quickly, noticing blood on his wrist. "Are you hurt, Grandpa?"

"It's nothing serious," he assured her dismissively.

Kaizen, who trailed Astelle, arrived shortly afterward. Following him were Lyndon and the other knights. Vellian approached Kaizen with concern.

"Your Majesty, are you unharmed?" Vellian asked.

"I'm alright. Have the assassins also been here?" Kaizen asked.

"Yes, only three," Vellian responded.

Vellian gestured towards the shattered tent where a body lay under a white cloth.

'It's a body,' Astelle realized, noting they were shielding Theor from witnessing it.

"I started the fire to signal the knights," Vellian explained.

Astelle cradled Theor protectively while passing the herbs to her grandfather.

The Marquis took the herbs she had used on Kaizen's wound. "Grandpa, please treat this first," Astelle requested. However, Vellian standing nearby grumbled upon seeing the Marquis taking the herbs.

"I'm hurt too," Vellian complained, revealing a red bruise on his forehead. Astelle realized he might have been injured during the fight, regretting that she didn't have any herbs for bruises at the moment.

Vellian complained to Astelle about the incident. "The Marquis suddenly threw a sword at me!"

Astelle responded with a hesitant, "Sorry?"

Vellian explained that when the assassins appeared, the Marquis had thrown a dagger at one of them, and then grabbed a sword and threw it at Vellian, resulting in the bruise on his forehead from the sword's handle. The Marquis listened quietly, then glanced at Vellian with a serious expression.

"I intended to give you a sword for us to fight together."

"If you throw a sword my way unexpectedly, I'll inevitably get hurt."

The Marquis explained how he was injured while handling the remaining two assailants by himself. Reflecting on it, he grew irritated with Vellian.

"Why can't the Count handle a sword?"

"I'm a civil servant." Vellian mumbled quietly, deliberately avoiding eye contact with the Marquis.

Typically, imperial male nobles were expected to grasp the fundamentals of swordsmanship, ensuring they could defend themselves. It appeared that Vellian lacked this knowledge entirely.

"Aunt Astelle..." Theor, who had his face hidden in Astelle's arms, lifted his head slowly.

Astelle comforted Theor, gently wiping away his tears.

"Let's return to the annex, Theor. Blynn is waiting for us," she suggested, and Theor responded with a quiet acknowledgment. "Mhmm.."

"Fortunately, Theor didn't witness anything, thanks to the young Count holding him," remarked the Marquis. Vellian had shielded Theor behind him, ensuring the boy remained unaware of the chaos.

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