Chapter 69

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"Are you all right?" Fritz inquired with concern as soon as they exited the banquet hall into the hallway.

Astelle reassured him, "I'll be fine. Nothing to worry about." Her focus was on the impending conversation with Kaizen, prompted by his request to wait for a discussion.

Uncertain about the topic, but certain it related to Theor.

"I'll go to the balcony for a brief rest."

"Yes, that's a good idea," Fritz agreed, taking the lead and guiding them toward the stairs. The outer palace section, used as the banquet hall, had its balcony situated on the upper floor.

"Fritz," a voice called out as they ascended the stairs toward the upper balcony. It was one of Fritz's old acquaintances.

"Princess Astelle, it's been quite a while. I heard of your return to the capital, but..." Fritz's friend trailed off, a hint of embarrassment tainting the latter part of his sentence. Despite learning of Astelle's presence in the capital, he couldn't muster the courage to greet her, likely apprehensive about societal perceptions.

Similar to Fritz, this friend had also faced social ostracization. In the past, the social sphere was dominated by a select few prestigious nobles, often referred to as the 'great nobles.'

The pinnacle of social influence was held by the women who reigned as queens of society, often the mistresses of esteemed dukes. However, as the power of the great nobles waned, the remaining families struggled to survive.

Consequently, individuals like Fritz's friend found themselves relegated to the periphery of societal regard, treated as though they were no longer of significance.

"I'll head upstairs," Astelle announced, excusing herself to allow the two men a moment to converse.

As she ascended the stairs, she encountered a maid descending with a bowl of food in hand. Without pause, Astelle clasped her skirt and continued her ascent without giving the maid a second thought.

About halfway up the stairs, the maid paused to yield space to Astelle. However, a mishap ensued.

"Ouch!" The maid, burdened with the bowl, lost her balance and tumbled down the stairs, the contents of the bowl splattering in every direction.

On the stairs, the maid, now fallen, begged for forgiveness amidst apologies. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she pleaded.

Astelle's dress bore the marks of the mishap, dampened by the spilled soup. The most severe damage, however, befell her shoes. As she held her skirt up while ascending the stairs, the front of her shoes bore the brunt of the spilled soup, leaving them soaked.

'Oh no... I can't return to the ballroom like this.'

"Lady Astelle, are you all right?" Hannah asked, her concern directed towards the kneeling maid.

Upon lifting her head, the maid met Hannah's penetrating gaze, promptly lowering her head to the floor once more. Astelle observed the interaction, curious about their connection.

"Do you know each other?" Astelle asked.

"Yes, she serves at the Empress Palace," Hannah revealed, mentioning the name of the Empress Palace.

For the past six years, the Empress Palace had no owner. Still, even without one, it cannot be left unattended.

"How did you make such a mistake?" asked Hannah.

"I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry."

"It's all right, Hannah," Astelle interjected, trying to assuage Hannah's anger. She wasn't inclined to delve into an interrogation over this mistake. Her focus was on her own attire, and she didn't wish to deal with the repercussions of such a careless oversight.

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