Chapter 27

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Half of it is behind ensuring the Emperor's safety, and the other half is related to assuaging his own curiosity and uneasy feelings. "I never expected to be caught," Vellian sighed, his pace leisurely matching Astelle's by his side.

With a serene smile, Astelle faced Vellian's evident turmoil. "My intention was to assist Sir Vellian to avoid trouble and perhaps seek Sir Vellian's aid later on."

In essence, she implied an intention to use their relationship if circumstances demanded. "I believe it might be wiser to speak directly with His Majesty."

"Then, should I inform him now?" Astelle asked.

"No, I can assist you, Lady," Vellian responded, visibly vexed. He sighed and redirected his path. "Come this way."

The two proceeded towards the back entrance of the castle. They navigated a winding path that led to a forest encircled by a stony wall, rumored to be the inn manager's private hunting grounds.

"Deeper inside, there's a field where herbs are cultivated," Vellian pointed out.

Venturing past the forest entrance, medicinal herbs adorned the path at every step. Among the grand trees, an assortment of medicinal herbs flourished abundantly.

Lining the narrow forest path were vibrant flowers and lush, varied grasses that grew densely. It was evident that the old pharmacist had been engaged by the manager to tend to the herbs that thrived in this forest. Some of the herbs were of a variety that couldn't be cultivated in ordinary fields, prompting the need to designate a specific area within the forest for their growth.

"The pharmacist mentioned that the missing herbs are kept separately. Write down the names of the herbs you require, and I'll fetch them for you," Vellian proposed.

"I believe this is sufficient," Astelle replied, seemingly finding all the necessary herbs. She picked up a basket and began exploring the variety of herbs.

"I'm in search of nine medicinal herbs, the simplest being a small white flower that blossoms on a short stem, about the size of two fingers, with striped ends on the petals and split tips," Astelle explained as she walked, slowly detailing the characteristics of the herb to Vellian, who trailed behind.

Intending to guide Vellian to locate only the easiest herbs, she kept information about the more difficult ones. Vellian, however, responded in a surprised tone, "Do I have to find them too?"

Astelle halted and turned to face him. "Are you implying that you'll just stand by and watch?"

At her question, Vellian paused, wearing a perplexed expression. His gaze fell to the grass sprouting from the dirt floor.

His otherwise tidy face contorted in distaste; it was apparent he detested touching the grass and soil. After all, who enjoys getting their hands dirty? Nevertheless, it was the mark of a gentleman to assist a lady in such a situation. Looking at Astelle, Vellian muttered in a somewhat pitiable manner.

Vellian hesitated, clearly displaying his unease. "I... I've never touched such grass... I mean medicinal herbs," he admitted. Recollections flooded in; in their youth, the children of esteemed noble families used to play in the gardens. Even though Vellian wasn't from a prominent lineage, his upbringing appeared sheltered and cherished. Astelle perceived this and pondered, thinking it seemed plausible. Among their relatives, there was a younger cousin from a prestigious family who received the undivided attention and care of the elders in the household. This cousin couldn't even dress without assistance, a fact that everyone found endearing.

'It's likely he'll react this way,' she pondered. With this in mind, Astelle intentionally chose Vellian as her guide. If it had been Lyndon or any other knight, she wouldn't have had to search for the medicinal herbs herself. Her goal was to find herbs not only for a fever remedy but also those suitable for eye drops.

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