Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Ella's POV

I actually left. He didn't follow me again. Jaz knew what happened because I was shaking, and she just...she knew. She excused herself, and met me outside. I was shaking and angry, my wolf wanted out but...she had to have help. A situation where she had to shift.

"Ace. What happened?" She sighed and I shook my head.

"Nothing. I have to go home. Are you staying?" I said coughing.

"Yeah. I've asked mom and dad already and they said it was fine since it was a Friday." Wait...has the week gone by that fast? I suppose so.

"Fine. See you later then." I said and she nodded and hugged me, then kissed my cheek.

"Love you." She said smiling and I smiled slightly.

"Love you too." I said and kissed her cheek. It's a thing we do. 

"Get home safely." She said and I nodded. I slipped into my car and it purred to life. Sometimes going for a late night drive clears someones head, meaning going home. 

When I got home I literally went straight to my room, stripped, showered, re-bandaged my arms and leg, then went and laid in bed watching Netflix. I was just watching romance flix, not giving a care right now.

I mean what mate doesn't chase after their mate. I would, but clearly mine is an asshole, and doesn't know how to handle women.


Next Day.

I had woke up around noon and my parents checked on me, but there was no need. I was in my fort of blankets and pillows, watching Netflix and being a couch potato. I have showered, and then had an epiphany, why not go get food.

I untangled myself from the blankets, but kept one around me and made my way downstairs. My parents had work, and Matty and the boys were out playing pool. I didn't want to do anything but be a couch potato. None of them will be home till later.

Sighing I made my way into the kitchen and pulled open the fridge. I stood there hunting for food, when I spotted something delicious. Pancakes already made! Chocolate chip ones!

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