Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


I turned my car off and sat in the parking lot for a min. I know this shit that we finna do is goin shake some shit up. If we pull it off the way we plan to I'll never be able to show my face in the states again, so before we get started there is something I have to do. I took a quick look around at the Rehab Facility me and Ace put my mother in, it's been a few months since I've been here and things didn't go so well or at least I didn't think so but after my mom's mandatory 30 days were up she agreed to stay longer and get further treatment. To say I was over joyed was an under statement.

I stepped out of my car locking the doors with my key fob and took a long deep breath to prepare myself for what I was about to do. I met up with my mom's nurse before making my way to the recreation room where visits were held.

"How is she?" I asked voiced laced with nerves

"She's actually been doing well I mean she seems to love it here." She beamed

"Good good." I nodded as she lead the way.

The room was filled with other patients talking to their family. Some were playing cards, and some were just sitting at the table. I spotted my mom in front of the TV some afternoon talk show was playing.

"You have a visitor." Her nurse was the first to speak as we made our way over towards my mom.

"Hey ma." I slightly waved.

She spun around at the sound of my voice.

"Kelly." She beamed and pulled me in for a hug.

I didn't know how to accept her embrace so I awkwardly stood there as she squeezed me. I can't even remember the last time she hugged me. That's how long it's been.

"I'll let you two talk." Her nurse smiled before walking off.

"You wanna sit?" I gestured towards the table that was a few feet away from where we were standing.

She nodded before walking over towards the table, I followed her.

"You look nice." She was the first to speak

"Thanks, so do you." I took a quick look at my plain clothing

"After our last meeting I didn't expect you to come by." She looked down at the table

"Uh yeah I wasn't sure if you wanted to see me, I mean I didn't want that therapy session to set back your progress." I admitted

"No no it helped me. I needed to hear those things. I-I'm sorry when your dad left I-" I cut her off

"Mom we don't have to talk about this." I blurted afraid she was about to go into one of her episodes

"No I need to say this." She sternly replied

I stared at her as if to say "Go on"

"When your dad left I went into a state of depression. I-I hated you because you reminded me so much of him even at a young age. So I started self medicating at first it was just to get me through the day and then it became more than that I was depended like I couldn't function with out it. I'm so sorry I know I can't erase the past but I want to start over." She appeared hopeful

"That's actually what I came to talk to you about. I forgive you I have a long time ago, I came to tell you that I'm leaving." I blurted out the last part

"Leaving? To go back with your dad?"

"No like leaving the country. Mom I can't really get into it right now but It's not good for me to stay here I just wanted to make sure you're ok before I leave."

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