Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


I was still very skeptical about Ace wanting to take out El Salvador in his condition I mean the man just got shot for Pete's sake but shit you couldn't tell him nothing so I just went along with it against my better judgement. I looked over at him shift uncomfortably in his seat. We were in the Limo heading to his place.

"You ight?" I asked knowing damn well he wasn't

"Yeah I'm straight." He lied

I rolled my eyes gazing out the window.


I was hurt bad but I had to play that shit off. The Limo pulled up to the gates and we rolled on inside. I took a long look on the outside, This shit is about to be all mine. We were led inside the Foyer where I spotted a couple of guards walking around.

"Trust me." I whispered low enough for only Kelly to hear

She turned to me giving me a look as if to say "Nigga what the fuck you bout to do?"

I faced forward ignoring her. I could see El Salvador descending down the winding staircase. I raised my arm giving Kelly a blow to the back of her head not hard enough to hurt her but enough to send her crashing to the floor.

"What the fuck!" She yelled

I waisted no time grabbing her by her hair just as El Salvador made his way over to us.

"Here she is the fucking rat!" I spat with venom laced in my voice.

Kelly looked up at me with horror in her eyes.

"Kelly, Kelly, Kelly I'm very disappointed in you. Come to think of it I actually liked you." El Salvador Chastised while puffing on his Cigar.

"Wait wait lemme explain!" She rambled off

"Silenco! ya he oido suficiente, Sabes lo que les hacemos a las ratas?"

Neither of us knew what the hell he said but I think Kelly was too afraid to respond. He looked up at one of his guards and waved his hands. The big burly one walked over to Kelly and lifted her up on her feet by her arm.

"Take her to the basement." El Salvador looked at her with disgust

"Nooooooo!" She screamed but it was too late the guard was walking off with her

"I wanna be the one to torture and kill her. I'm the one she betrayed." I spoke up

"Hmm very well." El Salvador shrugged his shoulders.


I looked on in horror when Ace threw me under the bus the way he did. I just kept replaying the past few months in my head there's no way Ace would do this to me. Sentence me to me death. This wasn't supposed to happen.

"Walk!" The Guard yelled once we faced a flight of stairs.

I stepped down the stairs one at a time. scrunching my face up at the smell of piss and death that became stronger the further we went into the basement. When I seen the chair on top of a freshly laid out tarp. I knew this was it. I was going to die here. I started to look around for a way out or a weapon hell anything. Just as I was about try to make a run for it I heard footsteps on the stairs. I froze in fear waiting in anticipation.


I made it to the bottom of the basement with another guard hot on my heels. I convinced El Salvador to stay on the main level until the situation was handled. The look on Kelly's face was pure fear. Poor baby.

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