Chapter 3: A New Addition

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Gemma and (Y/n) quickly sped off to the hospital together. Turns out, Gemma's sister and her husband had been in a car accident. Neither of them survived.

The only one who lived was Gemma's niece Cady who was currently being treated by the hospital staff.

Gemma and (Y/n) stood next to each other, watching them treat Cady through a window.

(Y/n) slipped her arm around Gemma's shoulder. "Oh, Gemma, I'm so sorry."

She didn't say anything in return, but she did lean into (Y/n)'s touch, resting her head on her shoulder.


Gemma and Cady sat in an office as a woman laid a piece of paper over to Gemma.

"So, this is to grant you temporary custody. Just sign your name and date it at the bottom. Now, I don't know if your sister had a family lawyer already, but if not, it would be something to consider moving forward."


Gemma and (Y/n) then went over to Nicole and Ryan's house to collect Cady's things. As they were boxing stuff up, Gemma went into the kitchen and looked at their calendar, seeing where her sister and written their ski trip.

She then glanced outside where she could see Cady sitting at a table on the porch coloring.


Gemma and (Y/n) arrived at their house, and parked in the drive way. They got out of the car and opened the trunk to start removing all the stuff they had crammed in there.

Cady was still inside the car, and she went to glance out the window and see the house when a dog jumped up by the window and started barking, scaring her.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Gemma yelled. "Celia!"

The dog ran back next door through a hole in the fence between Gemma's house and Celia's.

Celia, and older woman with long frizzy brown hair, came over to the fence holding a power washer.

"Could you please keep your dog on your side of the fence?" Gemma requested.

Celia sighed. "I just spent 80 bucks on a shock collar."

"Maybe try cranking it up a notch." Gemma suggested.

Celia looked into the car and noticed Cady in the back seat. "Oh, who's this little lady?"

"That's my niece. Cady."

"She staying for the weekend?"

Gemma paused, unsure how to answer, when (Y/n) stepped in for her.

"Um, you know it's been a really long drive, and um, and it would just be so helpful if you didn't have Dewey running into our yard all the time. And it would also be great if you didn't spray chemicals onto our driveway, please."

She gestured to the flowing chemicals that were sliding down the driveway.

"Oh, shit. I'm sorry. You ladies wanna borrow this once I'm done?" She held up the power washer.

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