Chapter 9: Arising Problems

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Later, when they got home, Gemma, (Y/n), Cady and M0RGAN were all sitting at a table on the front porch eating lunch.

"One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war."

Gemma smiled, watching the two of them play. "Cady you should eat some of your hot dog before it gets too cold." She suggested.

Cady didn't listen, she was too busy playing with M0RGAN.

"Cady? Your hot dog?" She tried again.

Cady paused and looked at her. She took a bite of her hot dog, but she seemed to have a bit of an attitude about it.

"Hey, I'm sorry about today. I shouldn't have put you in that position if you weren't feeling up to it." Gemma apologized.

"It worked out, didn't it?" Cady said.

M0RGAN pressed his thumb in top of Cady's. "Three, two, one, I win!"


"Well, anyway, I just wanted to say..."

Cady was so busy laughing with M0RGAN, that she nearly knocked over her drink.

"Woah, Woah, careful!" (Y/n) warned, catching the cup before it spilled over.

"M0RGAN, turn off." Gemma ordered.

He turned off.

Cady looked at her Aunt incredulously. "Why did you do that? M0RGAN turn on."

He turned back on.

"Because I'm trying to have a conversation with you. M0RGAN turn off."

He turned off again.

"Just give me one minute." Gemma requested.

Cady looked at her, but her face was clearly annoyed.

"I know that this, um, hasn't been easy for either of us. This transition. But if you ever need to talk about any of that stuff—."

Cady shrugged. "I already did talk about it."

"Yeah, but M0RGAN's not a person, Cady. He's a toy." Gemma reminded her.

"You don't get to say that." Cady told her.


"I said I don't want to talk about it. I wanna turn M0RGAN back on."

(Y/n) glanced between the two, feeling the tension in the air.

Cady turned back to M0RGAN. "M0RGAN turn on."

He turned back on again.

"What's up?"

"So there's this new game called tic-tac-toe. You put your hand like this..."


Cady and Lydia were sitting in the playroom and Gemma and (Y/n)'s office. They were sat at a table together and Lydia was flipping through all of Cady's drawings while M0RGAN sat in the corner, watching them.

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