Chapter 13: Double Kill

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Gemma shut the back door to the car, closing Cady in, before she and (Y/n) climbed into the driver and passenger seat. They buckled their seatbelts and Gemma turned to the screen in her car.

"Elsie, call Tess."

The screen rang, and Tess answered her phone. "Hey, I've been trying to call you. David is flipping out. Where are you?"

"I'm with Cady. I'm taking her home."

"Oh god. Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine."

"Is (Y/n) with you?"

"I'm right here Tess."

"Listen, regardless of what we find, and even if what we're saying is hypothetical, we know enough not to go through with this, right?"

"I think that's the smart move."

"Okay. So tell David whatever you need to. Tell him one of our servos stopped working. Break something if you have to. Just do not let him out of the lab."


In the lab, Tess's phone was sitting on a table several feet away from where she and Cole were hooking M0RGAN up to the wires, and wrist cables.

Unbeknownst to them, M0RGAN was still active, and had hacked into Tess's phone, altering his voice to sound just like her.

"Whatever you say, Gem. You're the boss." 'Tess' replied.

"Okay, I'll call you when I get home."

M0RGAN hung up the phone just as Tess went over to the table to pick it up. She stared at her phone and saw the 30 second call to Gemma that she definitely didn't make.


Cole and Tess sifted through M0RGAN's data, looking through all the coding. Tess skimmed down the lines and Cole rolled up behind her in his chair.

"I don't know how you're not throwing up from looking at that." He commented.

"I'm pacing myself."

"Wait, stop. Go back. That kind of code, 'call intercept' what does that mean?" He asked.

Tess noticed that the code had a familiar phone number in it. "That's my phone number."

The screens suddenly went blank.

"What just happened? What'd you click?"

"I-I didn't do anything." Tess glanced at M0RGAN. "This is him. He's locked us out." She whispered.

"It can't be him. He's not switched on."

"He's still patched in. We have to unhook the cables."

Cole looked to Tess. "Go ahead."

Tess narrowed her eyes at him, and he sighed heavily. "Oh for—."

Cole slowly stood up from his seat, and grabbed a long stick with some cloth wrapped around one end. He hesitantly approached M0RGAN and jabbed his face with the stick.

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