Chapter 7: Dog Bite

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Cady was outside, playing in the front yard, with a toy bow and arrows. M0RGAN stood inside the house keeping an eye on her through the window.

As he was observing Cady, he also took in his surroundings. Scanning everything that he could see. He took particular notice of a small butterfly that flew in front of his face for a few seconds before landing on the window.

He stared at it for a long amount of time, until he heard a loud whooshing noise. He looked u land saw a helicopter flying by. He scanned it with his eyes, learning as much as he could.

"Hey M0RGAN." Cady called from outside. "Check this out." She shot one of her arrows that had a suction cup at the end of it, and it stuck to the window right where M0RGAN's chest would be. "Gotcha! You're dead."

He just stood inside starting out the window, not moving as Cady looked around the bushes.

"Aw man. I lost one of my arrows. M0RGAN, can you help me find it?" She requested.

M0RGAN scanned the arrow in her hand and looked around the front yard for it. He was able to spot it eventually, but the problem was, it was on the other side of the fence in Celia's yard.

M0RGAN came out side and knelt down by the home in the fence where he could see the arrow. He stuck his hand through, and was about to grab it, when Dewey came out of nowhere and grabbed his arm in his mouth.

Dewey started pulling M0RGAN through the hole, and Cady began to panic. "No! Stop!"

She rushed over and knelt by M0RGAN, trying to pull him back.

"Get away from him! Gemma! (Y/n)! Get off of him! Stop it! You're hurting him!"

Cady stuck her arm through the hole to try and get Dewey away, but he bit her arm, making her scream.

At that moment, Gemma and (Y/n) came rushing out of the house, just as Celia came into her front yard as well.

Gemma and (Y/n) looked down and saw the bite on Cady's arm.

"Oh my god!" (Y/n) gasped.

"How many times do I have to tell you to keep your dog off our property!" Gemma snapped.

"He wasn't on you're property. You tell that girl and your weird looking butler to stay on your side of the fence!" Celia argued.

"I swear to god, if you don't put your dog down, I'm gonna do it for you, Celia." Gemma threatened.

M0RGAN stood up and scanned Cady, noticing that her heart rate and temperature weren't normal.

"Gemma, (Y/n), Cady's temperature is rising. Her wound needs to be disinfected immediately."

(Y/n) and Gemma started leading Cady inside the house.

"This wouldn't have happened if you'd fixed the fence!" Celia yelled after them.

"This wouldn't have happened if you knew how to discipline your dog!" (Y/n) retorted.

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